Monday, December 21, 2015

From Balboa to Lewis & Clark

From 15th century to 19 century, for about 400 years, while the expedition of Chen Ho of Ming Dynasty came to a screeching halt, the west started an age of discovery, exploration and expedition one after the other. First Diaz found the southern tip of the continent, the cape of good hope. Followed with Columbus expedition to the west and found a new land. Then Vasco da Gama found a new passage to go around the cape of good hope to India. Eventually Balboa led a team of explorers reaching a mountain top of Panama and saw the immense Pacific, called South Sea at that time. He was the first white man to see Pacific from the Europe side. Balboa passed through Panama Isthmus, a short cut to reach Pacific. Since then Spain dominated and monopolized the trade route between Europe and the South/Central America. 

Meanwhile other countries like English, France and Holland were scrambled to find new passage through the northwest. First John Cabot sailed for England. He was born in Genoa, same city as Columbus. He sailed with a small ship Mathew with 18 sailors in 1497. He didn't find India or China. Instead he found Newfoundland and the North America. In 1520, Magellan passed the tip of South America, sailed into Pacific and eventually reach Philippine. With this success, many Europeans were eager to do something similar through the northwest. In 1524, John Verrazano sailed for France, went northwest and found Hudson River and Long Island. In 1534, Another French navigator, Jacques Cartier followed the similar route and found Gulf of St. Lawrence, sailed inland to Quebec. However, he failed to find a new passage to China either. For consolation, he claimed what he found the land as New France and gave it to the King of France. In 1607, Hudson sailed for a trade company of England, . He entered Arctic Ocean and got stopped by the frigid ice. The Dutch East Indian Company heard the news and hired Hudson immediately to find another passage to the east in order to compete with Portuguese. Hudson sailed a ship called 'Half Moon' in 1609, he found the Hudson Bay and Hudson River. But China was nowhere to be seen. Spanish was lucky to pick the route to Central America, especially Panama Isthmus, a short cut to Pacific. In North America, the situation is complete different. It is a land mass of 4,000 miles across and most rivers go south that hampers the travel from the east to west. No ship can take advantage for such a long land travel. It was not until 1803, when Thomas Jefferson got a great deal to buy Louisiana Territory from Napoleon. The Louisiana Territory is much larger than the current Louisiana State. It is actually about the same size of the United States at the time of 1800. In other words, the United States suddenly becomes twice in size with half of it without people living there except Indians. The Louisiana Purchase may be the largest peaceful transfer of territory in recorded history. It helped turn the United States into a great power and was an event of far reaching importance. 

Thomas Jefferson is a great statesman and a visionary. He is well versed in the new idea of John Locke, Montesquieu and Rousseau. He drafted the Declaration Of Independence and well read in books about exploration. Jefferson had read Captain James Cook's A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean , and Le Page du Pratz's The History of Louisiana, all of which greatly influenced his decision to send an expedition. Jefferson also wished to discover a practical route through the Northwest to the Pacific coast. At that time Alexander Mackenzie's Voyages from Montreal (1801) informed Jefferson (who read the book at Monticello in 1802) of Britain's intent to control the lucrative fur trade of the Columbia River, and convinced him of the importance of securing the territory as soon as possible. He realized the importance of the exploration of this new land just purchased and anxious to find a new passage to the Pacific. With this he can be sure the America can claim the new territory with confidence and the country will span two oceans eventually. 

The Lewis and Clark Expedition may not be the first American expedition to cross what is now the western portion of the United States. Robert Gray did two expeditions around 1792, found and named Columbia River. British navigator George Vancouver organized several explorations around the same area between 1792 and 1795. Gray did not publish any journal or details about his findings. Vancouver did use his findings and published the results. This is the reason why we hear the city Vancouver and the region of British Columbia in Canada these days. It is part of the credit of Vancouver to the British Empire. If it were not the expedition of Lewis and Clark, the current Washington and Oregon States might have become part of Canada. This shows how important the vision of Jefferson was at that time. His Louisiana Purchase and his finance to initiate the expedition changes the course of history.  With the study of history and hindsight, Thomas Jefferson is almost equivalent to Prince Henry, the Navigator of America.

The Lewis and Clark departed in May 1804, from near St. Louis making their way westward through the continental divide to Columbia River and to the Pacific coast. The perilous journey lasted from May 1804 to September 1806. The primary objective was to explore and map the newly acquired territory, find a practical route across the Western half of the continent, and establish an American presence in this territory before Britain and other European powers tried to claim it. The campaign's secondary objectives were scientific and economic: to study the area's plants, animal life, and geography, and establish trade with local Native American tribes. The journal and record of Lewis and Clark are detail enough to be very valuable in later time. 

From 1400 to 1800, for about 400 years, China went from Chen Ho's expedition to a country which almost has nothing to do with the navigation and exploration. Worse off, the court of Ming Dynasty burned and destroyed most valuable records of Chen Ho's expedition which lasted from 1403 to 1433. A whole thirty years of record disappeared from the thin air. To many Chinese, this is really heart broken, especially when they get the chance to read James Cook's A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean. Meanwhile the west tried every way they could to find new passages to the east. The result is that they discovered all the new lands and claimed them for their nations to eventually dominated the world affairs. The Age of the Great Discovery brought new order and established a new political formation of the modern world we live in today. 

Sunday, November 29, 2015

My Father-In-Law

My father-in-law was very influential among his many relatives and friends. His recent passed away caused a lot of reaction and discussion among many of his social circle. The first time I met him was in 1970. It was the time of my wedding day with Christine. He was then 49, a rather young businessman with ambition. He held a celebrated wedding reception in down town Dallas, Statler Hilton. I remember I was working on my doctorate dissertation and many of my advisers attended the dinner. He ordered some rather sumptuous thick steaks and wines for the party. We all had a very memorable gathering at the time. We then rented an Impala Duster, drove from Dallas to Disneyland in LA. I remember the interstate highway 10 is straight and wide. In some section of the highway, I drove at 110 miles per hour speed. Imagine at that time, there was no seat-belt law. He was very nervous about my driving style. But it was too late as he already wrote a bill of sale as he always said that he handed me Christine in the wedding chapel.

My father-in-law was a man of high energy type. He walked faster than most people of his age. I still remember the episode at Oakland in 1980's. He liked to walk around Lake Merritt. On that sunny afternoon, he walked way ahead of me and left me in the dust. It was a humiliating experience for me. His early career was quite successful in the steel business by dismantling or scrapping some good old ships, commercial or military. Before 趙耀東 took over 中鋼公司, my father-in-law ran the show for several years. He was very proud of what he had done in 高雄 at that time. In the reunion of the 50th Anniversary of our NTUEE64, we had a trip around the island. When we arrived 高雄 and had a harbor cruise tour. Christine was so moved and nostalgic when she saw the new and improved harbor and those shipyards used to dismantle scrapped ships. She was in tear and said it should have been a great experience if her dad gets another chance to see this harbor and do the job once more. 

Once in 1970, my father-in-law bid the Queen Elizabeth II (good old British pride, Britannia Rules) in Florida with Tong How Yuen (董浩雲), a shipping tycoon and magnate. That was a big news at that time. Tong later talked him out of the deal as Tong wanted to build a University-On-The-Sea (海上大學). His argument was that building a university is much more meaningful than creating a pile of steel scrap. Profit or not, we should create something valuable for the History. Tong won the bid and towed the good old Queen Elizabeth II to Hongkong. Unfortunately, the ship caught fire while moored in Hongkong. Rumor said the communist was the culprit as Tong wanted the ship flying the flag of the Republic of China, not People Republic of China. This shows the difference of only one word can change the course of the world history.

Monday, October 5, 2015



文藝復興以後,歷史上又出現另一個光輝的時代,那就是通稱的'理性時代', Age of Reason (1620-1720). 無獨有偶,在理性時代之後又出現了一個更光輝而燦爛的時代,那是'開明時代', Age of Enlightenment (1720-1790). 大部分歷史書把這兩個時代連起來講,因為年代太接近,可以一以貫之。光看年代不太清楚這兩個時代究竟有什麼不同。最好的方法是列举這些時代的名人,然後去了解和探討其間的不同及因素。 

Age of Reason (1620-1720), 代表人物: 

Bacon (1561–1626), Galileo (1564-1642), Hobbes (1588-1679), Descartes (1596-1690), Pascal (1623–1662), Spinoza (1632-1677), Leibniz (1646-1716), Locke (1632–1704)

這個時代注重在哲学思想和方法論. 這時期影响最大的是笛卡兒 (Descartes). 

Cogito Ergo Sum (Latin)
I Think, Therefore I Am. (English)
我思故我在 (Chinese)

Age of Enlightenment (1720-1790), 代表人物: 

Newton (1642-1726), Berkeley (1685-1753), Voltaire (1694-1778), Hume (1711-1776), Montesquieu (1689-1755), Rousseau (1772-1778), Diderot (1713-1784), Ben Franklin (1705-1790), Lavoisier (1743-1794), James Cook (1728-1779), Adam Smith (1723-1790)

這個時代側重在科学應用到社會,地理,歷史,經濟及政治哲学. 這時期影响最大的是 牛頓,伏尔泰和亞當斯密 (Adam Smith). 這時期影响最大的是伏尔泰 (Voltaire) .

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. 

Age of Reason brought together the fruits of Renaissance and the concept of Reason.
Age of Enlightenment brought together the ideas of the Reason and the Scientific Revolution.


This age generated some constructive and destructive power that shaped the new world. The ideals of liberty and reason helped to shape the government of the new country created by that revolution-the United States of America. The same idea also caused the downfall of the French Monarch and created the French Revolution.

We already mentioned the Masters of Renaissance, let's talk about the scholars of the Reason and Enlightenment. First, there were scientists who led the way out of the Renaissance; Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo showed that the idea of an Earth-Centered universe was wrong. Descartes had created a scientific philosophy for seeking truth. Everything had to be tested by the standard of reason. This idea was the basic to the Enlightenment. The epitome of the scientific revolution was Isaac Newton. He discovered the gravitation and the relation between force and matter. He published his master work, Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. He unified all the previous scientific findings in this book.

Armed with the legacy of Renaissance and the concept of Reason, a new breed of the scholars began to influence the world. They are called Philosophes. They set forth the idea that people could apply reason to all aspects of life just as Newton had applied reason to science. At the heart of their mind were five ideas:

1. Reason: was the absence of intolerance, bigotry, or prejudice in one's thinking.

2. Nature: was good and reasonable. There were natural laws of economics and politics just as there were natural laws of motion.

3. Happiness: a person who lived by nature's laws would find happiness.

4. Progress: They believed in progress for society via scientific approach. They believed society and humankind could be perfected.

5. Liberty: Through reason, the philosophes believed, society could be set free.

Voltaire and his scholarly friends honoured reason as if it were a kind of divine force. They think, through the power of reason, society would make steady progress toward liberty and justice.

黄仁宇寫了一本書"萬曆十五年",英文名 "A Year of No Significance" (無足輕重的年代). 萬曆十五年乃西元 1587年,正是文藝復興的末尾和理性時代的開始. 在這時期,西方經文藝復興的洗禮,在文化上已凌駕東方,可是相差还不太遠. 可是從 1620 年後,西方開始以快速的脚步把東方遠遠抛在後面,其最大的原因就是東方缺乏理性和開明的思想. 中國的理学在宋朝已發跡,到明朝王陽明更發揚光大. 可是中国理学太著重儒学的改造和新的銓釋,又在缺乏科学的支持和應用,開明思想没法深耕,所以在政治经济和一些民生有關的新观念没法產生. 尤其是在政治思想上,東方一直没有突破,其呆滞一直延續到二十一世紀. 勉強可以提到是明朝黄宗羲的'明夷待訪錄'. 可是他的開明思想祇是在纸上,一直没受到社會的重視,更不用提其影响力了. 至於兩千三百年前孟子的'民本君轻'思想,一直是口號而已. 天子的观念在中國根深蒂固,專制思想没有消失,一直到二十世纪才稍有改变. 但天子雖去,專制政杈思想和制度还在继续,不知何日真正的民本政治才能在中國發揚光大.

Monday, September 21, 2015



自從罗馬帝国衰亡,蛮人入侵,教會勢力興起,西方文明遁入黑暗時期。當時教會控制思想,神聖罗馬帝國掌握欧洲軍事,一直到十四世紀以後,神聖罗馬帝國衰頹和教皇移居 Avignon 以後,義大利北部方出現了一些自治的城邦如 Milan, Genoa, Florence, Pisa, Lucca, Venice 等等。這些城市類似希臘城邦,地方不大,但有足夠的勤奮市民,因经商而致富. 他們大多有一技之長,有創新和獨立的精神。在這种背景和環境下,意大利北部從西元 1300 到 1600,創造了一個文明盛世,史稱 '文藝復興' (Renaissance).  Renaissance 是 Rebirth, 是希臘文明的重生, 所以 '文藝復興' 嚴格說来,並不是正確的翻譯,應該是''文化復興".  從這裡我們似可以比較中西方的文化景观. 在1300年以前,中国经歷漢唐盛世而西方是在黑暗時代,整体来說中華文化比西方强盛而輝煌. 到文藝復興以後中国進入明请朝代,西方始慢慢追上中國. 所以文藝復興在中西文化比较上或競爭上是一個重要的轉折点。這是西方追上東方的 Turning Point. 西方真正超越東方而把東方遠抛其後,則是要等到另一個文化轉折点,那是 '理性時代' 和 '開明時代',(Age of Reason and Age of Enlightenment) 大约是 1650-1790. 這是後話,讓我們先檢視文藝復興的意義和精神。


文藝復興從義大利北部興起,以 Florence 最為重要. 初期三傑是 Giotto (壁畫), Dante (文学), Petrarch (詩人). 這時期強調的是: Celebration of the Individual, Love of Classical Learning and Enjoyment of Worldly Pleasures.

中期四傑是: Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael and Machiavelli. 前三名是人類藝術史上三位巨星,永遠照耀,到現在还在影响著人們。尤其是 Michelangelo 在 Sistine Chapel 畫的 '創世纪',每年皆有百萬人去观赏. Machiavelli 寫了一本書 "The Prince" (王子論). 其影响深遠到現在很多政府首腦皆要研讀的一本名著,就好像军事將领皆要研讀孫子或克勞塞维兹的兵法一樣。另一位值得一提的是 Gutenberg (古騰堡). 他的印刷術在 1454 年後,席捲全欧,普及智識和促進思想的解放,這是直接促成以後的理性和開明時代。


反观中國在1300-1600 年時是元朝和明朝時期,除了明成祖時的郑和七次下西洋外,並無在文化上有驚人之擧. 最可惜的是明成祖去世後,所有有關鄭和航海的活动皆被束之高閣. 更令人扼腕的是所有有關鄭和的航海資料一律銷毀,從歷史上蒸發,消失. 當時從政的儒家學者和思想在此和文藝復興的思維大相逕庭,背道而馳. 從此以後西方凌駕東方,開始以雷挺萬鈞之势,席捲世界。

Saturday, August 15, 2015


珍珠與金花,那個漂亮? 答案是兩者皆燦爛奪目,令人目眩神迷. 珍珠过後,現在我們來談金花.

賽金花 乃清末名妓,其初名为趙彩云,又名傅彩云,安徽黟县人. 幼年被卖到苏州的所谓“花船”上為妓。1887年 適逢前科狀元洪鈞回鄉守孝,对彩云一見倾心,遂纳為妾,洪时年48岁,傅彩云年僅15岁,可謂老夫少妾。不久,洪鈞奉旨為駐俄罗斯帝国,德意志帝国,奥匈帝国,荷蘭四国公使,其原配夫人畏懼華洋異俗,遂借誥命服飾给彩云,命她陪同洪鈞出洋. 後随洪鈞歸国,不久洪病死。1894年,傅彩云被洪府遺棄,無以為生,乃至上海重操舊業,改名“曹梦蘭”. 後至天津,改名“赛金花”. 1900年八国联军攻陷北京时,居北京石頭胡同為妓,曾与部分德国军官有过接觸,尤其是她和瓦德西在柏林有一面之緣,使她和八國聯軍有一段互動,施展她的影響力。1903年在北京因涉嫌虐待幼妓致死(真相不明)而入獄,解返苏州后出獄再至上海. 晚年生活窮困潦倒, 1936年病死于北京. 以上是她簡略的一生.

所以賽女士原姓趙,賽姓乃她後來自封,與賽珍珠女士之名有異曲同工之妙. 總之她們的名字真是金光燦爛, 光彩奪目,令人遐想不已. 比起珍珠女士, 金花身世可憐多了. 她小時父親病故,母親不能養她,賣給妓女院,從此一生一世不得翻身. 想來令人唏噓, 妓女這一行是社會的底層,是人類文明的第一行業.,可是不管妓女多風光有名,總是被大眾輕視,甚或不齒. 奉勧天下父母親,不管情況怎麼艱苦,千萬不要逼女兒為娼.,這是最不明智的投資. 話說回來, 天下父母鮮有擇娼為業, 實乃無以為生啊. 這是社會制度不健全和陰暗的一面. 想起台湾以前的養女制度,那也是令人悲傷的社會現像. 說起來也是一種另類的悲慘世界. 金花女士碰到貴人,搖身一變為狀元夫人,羨煞其他妓女. 可是好景不長,洪鈞先生撒手西歸,金花女土居然被洪府掃地出門,其理由不外是前妓女的身分不被見容, 哀哉,真是人間妓女冷暖情. 

賽女士有一段堪稱幸福風光的日子. 洪鈞娶她為妾,事事依她,在他保護之下,洪夫人也不敢太欺負她. 她的轉運則是洪鈞奉派出使西洋,洪夫人不願意在番邦生活. 這正中賽女士的下懷. 她在家中有時受氣, 閒言閒語,对前妓女總是不好受. 於是她毛遂自薦,要伴洪公出使西洋. 這有奌類似文成公主的故事. 唐初李世民把兄弟建城和元吉解決掉,其族人皆被殺或賣為奴. 唯有元吉之妻女被留下來,此女後被封文成公主. 所以文成在宮中並不快樂,因為她是失敗的族人之一,免不了別人有閒言閒語. 机會終於來到,西藏松贊干布 來唐娶親, 所有大牌公主皆拒之,唯文成公主認為是新生的机運. 金花女士出洋當公使夫人,正中下懷.求之不得. 周旋於番邦貴人之社交圈,三年有奇. 居然脫胎換骨,落落大方,學會德文和英文,並有机會和德皇威廉二世及英國維多利亜女皇握手寒喧. 在以後八國聯軍攻佔北京,居然大派用場,充分發揮她的影響力. 厂史風雲際會,時代創造英雄(雌),如是焉.

賽女士在柏林時曾受邀在宮庭認識瓦德西元帥,相談甚歡,這是一面之緣,卻在拳乱時,影響了好多人的生命和生活. 瓦德西是德皇威廉二世的大將軍 (Field Marshal),可說是毛奇 (Moltke) 將軍的継承人. 德文 Alfred Graf von Waldersee. Waldersee (瓦德西) (英意譯 Forest Lake, 中文可譯’ 森林湖’. 德國人对湖情有獨衷, Immensee (茵夢湖) 就是一本浪漫的小說. 話說瓦德西元帥, 1900年時奉派指揮八國聯軍,來華興師問罪. 老福爺慈禧西奔, 不顧百姓. 當此生靈塗炭時,賽女士看不慣德國兵在大街小巷胡作非為,用德語罵出,一語驚人. 又道出和瓦將軍是老相好,一時德國兵全愣住了. 從此以後,她進出紫禁城,如魚得水,遇見瓦將軍,重敘舊誼. 就在這段時日, 他至少做了三件大事. 一是聯軍掠奪小民的事馬上減少很多, 二是幫助北京商人和聯軍做民生和聯軍的伙食 生意, 三是和克林德夫人及瓦將軍談妥拳乱的責任歸屬條件. 克林德乃是被義和團殺害的德國公使. 一時好多滿清 王公貴族和李鴻章皆来求她幫忙,稱她為賽二爺,比老福爺衹差一級,真是時勢創造英雌,一奌不假. 坊間不少 傳言說賽女士和瓦將軍在慈禧的金鑾殿,曾有一段風光的日子,這些也許是文人雅士的一些綺想,沒有資科佐証. 尤其是德國人更是不相信. 不管如何,電影照演,罗曼史飘飘,無遠弗界,沛然不能抵禦.

世事難料,八國聯軍離開後,金花女士的保護傘不見了,她的影響力也一下跌到谷底. 衹因為她是妓女, 再也沒人看得起她,以前的功蹟也沒人提起,真是冷暖人間冷暖情. 連以前她幫助过的從良妓女也不認她, 真是今人唏噓不已,為她叫屈. 賽女士後来還嫁过兩次,結果丈夫皆先她而去. 失去男人保護的舊時代女性 很難自力更生,她衹好三番兩次重操舊業,越陷越深. 1936年,時代的傳奇女性 賽金花終於殞世, 身無分文,也無親朋奔喪. 後人也沒在北京替她立碑,紀念或感謝她在拳乱時期的貢獻. 鳴呼,感嘆國人缺乏对從良妓女的寬容和禮義之邦應有的德行.

Monday, July 20, 2015

最美麗的中國名字 --- 兩位賽女士對中國的影響


賽是 ‘比美’, What more can you ask from a name if it is prettier than pearl or prettier than golden flower. 

這兩位女士, 除了在姓氏以外, 似乎沒有相同之處, 唯一可說的是她們對中國的影響力. 有趣們是兩位女士本皆不姓賽, 賽珍珠是曾經在中國長大的美國人.賽珍珠的姓是 Sydenstricker, 取其音賽 (Sy). 而賽金花本姓 趙或曹, 是後來在上海開 '金大班' 時才冠上賽金花這名字.

賽珍珠生於1892年6月26日,美國西維吉尼亞州的 Hillsboro, 出生時頭髮是金黃色,皮膚白皙,眼睛是藍色的,像珍珠一樣的可愛,因此就取名為 '珍珠' (Pearl). 在1973年3月6日去世,享年80歲。賽珍珠的父親 賽兆祥 Absalom Sydenstricker 於1880 年以基督教長老教會牧師 (Southern Presbyterian Missionary Minister) 名義到中國傳教.

賽珍珠出生三個月後就被父母帶來中國,在中國住了40年,八十歲死於美國. 她的一生有一半在中國度过,所以中國和美國對她而言,都是祖國,她同樣熱愛這兩個國家. 因為賽珍珠曾經在中國住過40年,以及她曾經閱讀過許許多多的中國小說,因此她承認當她在描寫有關中國人的英文小說時,她是先用中文來思考,然後再以英文來表達,這就是賽珍珠與西方作家們最大的不同之處,這也是為什麼賽珍珠描寫中國人的小說會如此逼真之原因。和賽女士相反卻又相似表現法是林語堂. 他是中國人,用英文寫'吾國吾民'和'生活的藝術',介紹中國文化給世人. 林語堂是用中文思考然後翻譯成英文. 对林語堂說英語不是母語,傳神程度有一定的折扣. 好在林先生的英文功力還算高深,至少彌補了不少缺陷. 由於賽珍珠所寫的小說背景都是中國和中國人民,因此美國文學批評界人士皆認賽珍珠是寫中國故事的大師.

賽珍珠生前曾經多次出入中國教書,並對當地民風和各大事件留下深厚的感情,也因此將之融入到了往後的許多作品當中. 1937年抗日戰爭爆發後,她為中國人民的反侵略戰爭奔走. 許許多多美國人正是通過賽珍珠的小說了解到中國,為中國人民的抗日戰爭解囊相助.

賽女士曾批評蔣介石獨裁,國民政府拒絕參加她的諾貝爾文學獎領獎儀式. 她曾經同情中共,讚許毛澤東. 認為當時的中共是「完全為老百姓的事業著想」. 由於她同情中國革命,在二戰結束後,賽珍珠因「親共」而上了中央情報局的黑名單,被懷疑是共產黨,黑檔案長達300頁. 由於她對中華人民共和國成立後中共部分做法的批評立場,中華人民共和國政府成立後,她的作品在中國大陸長期被打壓,大陸文化界攻擊她是「美國反動文人」和「美帝國主義文化侵略的急先鋒」. 1972年美國總統尼克森訪華兩個月後,賽珍珠也向新聞媒體宣布自己即將訪華,但隨後遭到中華人民共和國政府拒絕. 從以上事件,我們可以認識他的為人和理念,不奉承阿諛,就事論事的處世態度. 作為一位有良知的文人,她值得我們欽佩.

因為賽珍珠曾經在安徽的農村生活過五年之久,與中國農民朝夕相處,她親眼目睹中國窮苦農民飢餓的情形,以及很多中國舊社會中悲慘的事情,如婆婆虐待媳婦,逼媳婦上吊自殺等等現象發生. 還有那些地方上的軍閥相互攻打,欺壓善良的老百姓. 再加上童年的親身經驗,中國北方發生大飢荒,無數的災民湧到賽珍珠家的門口,行乞討飯吃. 賽珍珠的母親總會竭盡所能的,給他們食物,但是終究無法應付得了成千上萬的饑民,每天早上總有士兵來把躺在她家門口,餓死災民的屍體抬走.

"大地" 一書中也提到,王龍的妻子阿蘭是沒有裹小腳的,原本王龍是十分嫌棄的,但是王龍的爹卻很開明的說:「我們要裹小腳的幹嘛?我們是要娶來幫我們種田的!」可見當時中國封建社會,對於裹小腳一事是非常重視的. 再者書中的主角之一阿蘭,也將中國傳統女性的美德表露無遺. 王龍晚年想要納妾的時候,雖然阿蘭不願意,但是終究還是答應了,但是她卻說出:「我是給你生了三個兒子的。」賽珍珠非常瞭解中國傳統「重男輕女」的思想和「母以子貴」的觀念. "大地" 應該是世界上最偉大的小說之一. 卡昂教授評論說:「賽珍珠是西方作家中,第一個把中國人的生活描寫成普通正常生活的人,而不是把它描寫成什麼東方奇觀或天方夜譚。」賽珍珠以平舖直敘的手法,向讀者講述中國農民的生活故事以及他們所面臨到的種種問題. 為什麼民國建立以後,中國文人在農村方面沒有深入探討和描寫,實在令人訥悶. 我們熟悉的作家如朱自清,徐志摩, 冰心,魯迅,胡適等等,皆大力吸收西方文比,介紹西方科學文學及方法論,反而对中國農村不聞不問,或是認為腐朽不值得浪費時光去著墨,這誠然是很可惜的事.

一位作家與在地的人,事,物,做實際的對話,而且是來自最基層的聲音,並且用心來體會這樣的真實接觸,將是其作品是否能夠成為偉大,最重要的關鍵所在. 也就是說作家必須要有切身的經歷,才有可能寫出打動人心的作品,否則只是一些華而不實的作品而已. 賽女士在中國的實地經驗是非常寶貴的,也就是她為什麼能寫出打動人心的作品. 希望不久的將來,在台灣也能有一位像賽珍珠一樣的作家,真心地融入到台灣的社會,以台灣為故事背景,寫出足以媲美 "大地" 的作品來,更能得到世人的共鳴而得到諾貝爾文學獎. 

在賽女士的小說裏,描繪豐厚的土地也是農民的負擔,自耕農的日子並非田園詩寫得那麽輕鬆自在. 小説多處寫到耕作的艱辛,也藉以刻畫出中國農民特有的勤懇和堅忍. 賽珍珠曾與她農學家的丈夫深入安徽農村,做過多年考察,對農村生活,她瞭解的程度並不次於很多以進步自詡的中國作家. 但她的同情與關切是入乎其中又出乎其外的,她畢竟來自美國,客觀的眼光使她的思想感情避免了五四話語的激化,比如壞地主如何剝削或好窮人如何反抗之類的煽情故事就沒有感染到她的小説講述. 她書中詳敍的主要是她親眼所見的兩大災難:王龍辛苦勞作多年,才買得少量土地,一場旱災便打擊得他瀕臨破產. 可見農家受到的最大威脅即天災的破壞,而另一個威脅則是太多的窮人包圍著極少的富戶,社會稍失穩定,便發生各種形式的搶劫. 是土匪的搶劫直接導致了黃大戶家的衰敗,後來王龍家稍顯富足,荒年中即遭村中饑民哄搶. 再往後,王龍夫婦逃荒城市,也是趁亂民搶大戶之機發了橫財,就靠那些竊來的金銀珠寶,他們才大買土地,拔了窮根. 致富之後,王龍之所以隱忍叔父的無賴,白養他一家,就因那傢伙勾結了土匪. 王龍的整個經歷都表明,天災和掠奪經濟的惡性循環不只阻止了農村經濟的充分發展,還進一步造成更大的貧窮。

在中國江西九江廬山,江蘇鎮江,安徽宿州,南京大學,至今保存著當年賽珍珠生活過的故居.1990年代晚期,中美兩國展開了一系列圍繞賽珍珠的文化交流. 2001年羅燕改編賽珍珠小說《群芳庭》並自己擔任女主角,由好萊塢環球電影公司和北京電影製片廠聯合攝製的電影《庭院裡的女人》在中國和美國同時公演.

提到林語堂,他和賽女士有一段因緣和恩怨. 赛珍珠生于1892年,比出生于1895年的林语堂大三岁. 赛珍珠的父母是传教士,而林语堂父亲也是传教士,母亲是基督教信徒. 只是赛氏父母是到中国传教的美国人,而林语堂父亲则是在中国传教的中国人. 賽女士出生在基督傳教士家庭,但卻反對傳教. 在中國,美國許多地方,她公開聲稱她極為討厭那些「喋喋不休的佈道」,說傳教士佈道只會「扼殺思想,蠱惑人心,在中國教會裡製造出一批偽君子」. 大概賽女士近朱則赤,深喑一些傳教的黑暗面. 這裏想起宋耀如大賣聖經而發財,教出三位留美的宋家三女士,叱吒風雲,影響中國厂史一百多年. 傳教士优劣各有,互有千秋.

賽珍珠有許多中國友人,包括徐志摩,林語堂,胡適等人. 林語堂在美國出版的 '吾國吾民' 和 '生活的藝術',皆受到賽珍珠的支持和幫忙. 賽珍珠邀請林語堂在美國發表作品,使林的《吾國與吾民》在美國一砲而紅.

林语堂曾全力以赴研究中文打字机,结果将自己的全部积蓄40多万美元都花在上面,最后不得不向朋友借钱. 此时林语堂当然首先想到多年合作的老朋友也是很富裕的赛珍珠,但令林语堂吃惊的是他吃了闭门羹,赛珍珠没有借钱给他. 这大大刺痛了林语堂的自尊心. 直接导致林,赛关系破裂的是,林语堂后来知道在与赛氏夫妇多年的合作中他在经济上吃了大虧. 本来在美国一般出版社拿10%的版税,而赛珍珠夫妇出版林语堂的书却拿50%,并且版权还不属于林语堂,而是仍属公司所有. 这时林语堂才恍然大悟,原来赛珍珠开出版社也是为了赚钱的,而且他多年来吃的虧太大了. 对此,林语堂委托律师向赛珍珠要回所有著作的版权,并且态度非常坚决,一点也没有回旋的餘地. 接到这个消息,赛珍珠感到突然和吃惊,她打电话给林语堂的女儿林太乙,追问她的爸爸林语堂是不是疯了? 后来,林语堂要到南洋大学任校长,为此他打电报跟赛珍珠告别,结果林语堂没有收到回复. 为此,林语堂感到非常恼火,他痛心地说:“我看穿了一个美国人。”从此以后,两个有着近20年合作关系和深厚友谊的作家就这样义断情绝了,他们就像一条河流在某一处分开后,再也没有汇合过.

以上一些糾紛在林太乙的書中('林語堂傳'和'林家次女') 有一些描述. 我個人認為這是兩人方面的誤會,很可惜沒有人中間調停,打圓場. 就像李楊在物理研究上,無法解開誤會,誠然可惜. 林語堂當初和人簽合同,也出了名,賺到錢,實在不該放馬後砲. 做人圓通些,給人賺些錢也是應該的. 至於賽女士有沒有存心騙錢很難說. 也許她認為當年林語堂沒沒無聞,在美國又人地生疏,她的道義幫忙比起區區版說可說意義大多了. 這事也讓我想起 TV 一個節目 "Judge Judy". 這位女法官專門審理一些小案件,什斗小民,十年朋友,少時同窗,常為了一些金錢小事,对簿公堂,從此情義断絕,十年友誼全數泡湯. 人生,人生,為什麼有那麼多人想不開?

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


二十世紀的五十年代是克難時期,在我小時候的回憶裏,除了上學校念書外,幾乎沒有任何娛樂或課外活動. 到小學五六年級時,除了不盡的補習外,更是沒有什庅愉快的回憶. 在這黑暗時期,能夠看到的幾奌星光,居然是一些電影院和一些有趣的電影.  在我記憶中生平第一次看的也電影是在學校附近的電影院,是學校規定全班學生一起覌看.  我还記得片名是'天字第一號'.  時光荏苒,再也記不傳為什麼學校要我們看這電影,但這黑白電影卻讓我的小他靈開了竅,念念不忘.

1960年以前,TV 尚未問世,看電影一定要上電影院,一定要買票進場.  小時候的難題是錢,比較好的電影院要三至五塊錢.  家境並不富裕,除了偶而媽媽給的零錢外,完全没有生財之道.  但是窮則變,變則通,居然有廉價的小戲院.  小學三年級時,我發現了兩家戲院,一是雙蓮,二是大光明,離學校不遠,衹要75分錢就可看一場電影. 想看電影時,就把喝牛奶冰的錢省下來去看電影.  從此以後,眼界大開,花花世界,無奇不有.  従美國西部電影看到武俠鬥劍,海盗傳奇,歷史宫闈,加上白蛇傳,蛇髮美人,七劍十三俠,琳琅滿目,美不勝收.  現在想想,小學時如果沒有這些電影娛樂,那人生將是多麼單調乏味.  說來有奌慚愧,小學生涯中,除了第一課,'來来來,來上學',幾乎記不起學了那些東西.  小時的天空真是黑暗,除了'學友'和'東方少年'給了我一些回憶和兩奌星光,在這兒要感謝多采多姿的電影,把那黑暗的天空變成上百成千的星光,閃閃發亮,蔚為奇覌.

小學時,跑電影院全靠走路,所以衹能在學校附近的小影院打轉. 大光明戲院就變成我的最愛. 這家影院上演的大部分是西部槍戰和紅人的故事,打鬥刺激,冷場很少. 西部影星很自然的就成為我小時的英雄: Gary Cooper, Alan Ladd, Randolph Scott, Ray Milland 等等. 初中時,心大一些,會買公車票,坐車上西門町. 那時國際戲院有早場,從十奌演到中午,有一大部分是教育片,從學游泳到上山下海,海底奇覌,沙漠傳奇到米老鼠和古代七大奇蹟,應有盡有. 這些智識比起學校教科書有趣多了. 上高中後,有了一輛自己的單車, mobility 大增,從此以後,東南西北,無弗遠界,愛看什麼電影就騎單車赴之. 高中的課程很豊富有用,佐以電影,如虎潻翼. 我一直覚得高中生涯是我一生最有意義的時期,我的思想,信仰和嗜好,大都在這時定型. 上了大學,沒有規定要修多少學分,既然可以選課,我幾乎就把上戲院看電影算是三學分的課程.

在我的記憶裏,有以下電影院是我曾經光顧过: 大光明,雙蓮,美都麗;第一劇場/文化戲院;永樂,新世界;新生,大世界,萬國,國際;中央,遠東大戲院.  最值得一提的是國際戲院,因為它是全台北市唯一的一家有冷氣的戲院.而且冷氣很足,每當炎炎夏日,我常憧憬著去那兒看場電影並享受那少有的高級享受---冷氣.  另外一家我常去的是'第一劇場',這是一家座落在延平北路的大影院,居然有三楼.  當時年小心大,我就喜歡爬上三樓,俯視全場,覌看喜愛的電影.  第一劇場旁邊後面另有一家'文化戯院',規模稍小,但也不是小戲院. 它和第一劇場就像雙星系統一樣,自成体系與西門町的電影世界抗衡.  小時家住南京西路,那時沒腳踏車,全靠雙腿.  所以最常去的是大光明,雙蓮,第一劇場和文化戲院.  西門町的戲院很多,也比較豪華,卻需要搭公共汽車,這限制一直要到我在高中時,擁有一部自已的單車時才告結束.  在我記憶中,小學時的電影院,大多小而簡樸,上初中後,陸續有大的戲院登場. 到高中時,像萬國和遠東這种大戲院才變成主流.  克難時期,市民的娛樂不多,電影變成大部分人的解悶和兜樂的地方. 所以在西門町常常看到大排長龍的覌眾,在炎炎夏日中淌汗蝺蝺前行. 对我來說,這是唯一的遗憾,因為我最討厭排隊,尤其对某些插隊和鲁莽的人,感到厭悪和無奈.

電影院的廣告看板,五顏六色,尤其是第一劇場的看板是在日新小學附近一家畫室製作,我常在課餘或假日在那兒浏連覌看而忘返回家. 說真的,那些看板,巨大無朋,畫來惟妙惟俏,一奌也不含糊.  我看那些畫師,看起來就像普通街坊鄰人,一奌也不特殊,居然有這種才能,真叫我嘖嘖稱奇,佩服萬分.  有時還看他們把那大看板架上影院的高楼上.  遠遠欣賞,真是小時候一大樂事.

1957年後,有大影幕出現,號稱 '新藝綜合体 (CinemaScope),在遠東大戯院推出,其影幕為舊影幕的四倍寬,這真叫人大開眼界.  時逢春節假日,廣告"新春第一砲"聖袍千秋 (The Robes)",第二砲"大漁夫 (Big Fisherman)",  以下幾砲也都是精彩萬分.  那時候聖經的故事很流行,以上第一,二砲就是有關耶穌和彼得的故事.  其他有名的大場面宗教電影如霸王妖姬,十誡,賓漢更是轟動 一時. 當時聽到大導演 西席地密爾 (Cecil B. DeMille) 這麼長的名字,總是肅然起敬.


曲终梦回 (Tales of Hoffmann, 霍夫曼的故事)
寶殿神弓 (Dardo)
美人如玉劍如虹 (Scaramouche)
出水芙蓉 (Bathing Beauty)
霸王妖姬 (Samson and Delilah)
原野奇俠 (Shane)
Moby Dick (白鯨記)

茶花女 (Camille)
王子復仇記 (Hamlet)
翠堤春曉 (Great Waltz)
鹿苑長春 (Yearling )
老黃毛 (Old Yeller)

修女傳 (The Nun's Story)
傲慢與偏見 (Pride and Prejudice)
乱世忠魂 (From Here to Eternity)
春江花月夜 (Fanny)
黃金時代 (The Best Year of My Life)
乱世佳人 (飄, Gone With The Wind)
十誡 (Ten Commandments)

Inherit the Wind
紐倫堡大審 (Judgement at Nuremberg)
六壯士 (Guns of Navarone)
孤星淚 (悲慘世界, Les Miserables)
賓漢 (Ben Hur)
最長的一日 (The Longest Day)

Saturday, May 23, 2015


在我們日常生活中,提起宗教和信仰,免不了提到回教可蘭經,佛教金鋼經和基督教聖經. 回教徒說可蘭經是他們的聖經,顯然聖經是最高的經典. 但是大部分場合,如果沒有特別解釋,聖經幾乎都是指'基督教聖經'. 有時候令人困擾,為什麼有這現像? 大概民國初年以来,東南海岸各省,開始與洋人交通,外籍傳教士陸續東來,'基督教經書需求量大增,開始有人翻譯 Bible 成中文,他們絕大部分把 Bible 譯成'聖經'. 在當時這是'基督教聖經'的簡稱,用在教友社交圈和教會並無混淆之弊. 時日久後,聖經很自然的就是'基督教聖經'了. 我們常用的辞典本來'聖經'是'聖人的著作'. 但辭典要隨時代更新,容納新的用法,故增加一條新的意思'基督教的経典'. 所以才有廣義和狹義的用法. 可是我們會納悶,為什庅英文沒這种混淆的麻煩? 仔細研究,原來關鍵在語文的結構上. Bible 是 '基督教的経典', 而 bible 相當於 '聖人的著作'. 挙一個例子, I read the Bible everyday, it is the bible of my life.  If you like a book of golf very much, you say this book is my golf bible.  The upper and lower case make the distinction.  The lower case here is 廣義 and the upper case is 狹義.  In other words, we don't have to interpret the meaning based on the context. Instead, the word itself makes the distinction already.

有關基督教的用法,也有廣義和狹義的不同. 廣義的說, 基督教徒 (Christian) : person believing the teachings of Jesus Christ. 基督教會則包括 天主教會, 耶穌教會, 希臘教會 (Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox). Protestant 又有好幾種譯名: 新教, 耶稣教,更正教, 誓反教, 抗議教. 所以基督教徒包括天主教徒,新教徒和希臘正教徒. 但在中國社會, 基督教常用來指耶穌教 (新教),這是狹義的用法. 罗馬教皇管轄的則稱天主教. 所以有時候在中文說基督教,要從文中弄清楚是狹義的新教还是包括天主教和希臘正教.  在英文這些混淆則很少發生. 狹義的基督教是不當的用法,應該用 耶稣教. 但是狹義的基督教用法行之太久,巳經被社會大眾接受.

另外人名的翻譯有時很頭痛,主要是中文同音字太多,翻譯人名常各憑天才,莫衷一是. 玆舉幾個例子: 牛敦/牛頓,新澤西/紐澤西,丹紐布河/多腦河,伏而加河/窩瓦河,紐鄂連斯/新奧爾良. 又因外文大多衹有重音而無四聲, 所以外文字常可以有四種中文譯法,能不混淆才怪. 另外紐約應該是紐約克,因為很多地名有'k'結尾,皆有'克'字譯之,唯獨 New York 例外. 'New' 有時音譯,有時意譯,完全隨興,因為兩種譯法皆普遍流行. 唯一的例外是 New York, 不可能翻成新約,因為新約有另外意思. 有趣的是有時名字像月亮一樣,有陰晴圓缺. 以前 Lyndon Johnson 當國會議員時叫'強生', 等到競選副總統時叫'江生', 當了副總統來台訪問,搖身一変,居然改名換姓叫'詹森'. 倒沒聽說姓'江'的人抗議,為什麼'詹'比'江'高人一等. 政治影響命名,在中國可稱千変萬化. 另外連名帶姓,脫胎換骨的例子有 Cologne (科隆,哥龍), Florence (翡冷翠,佛罗倫司), Rembrandt (冉伯讓,林布蘭), Lucerne (盧參,鲁森), Tasman (達史曼,塔思孟), Mozart (莫差特,毛贊德), Magellan (馬汲倫,麥哲倫), Balboa (巴波亜,白爾波,巴爾布), Eiffel (艾非爾,伊佛爾), Fiji (斐吉,飛枝), Easter Island (復活島,伊斯德島), Tahiti (大溪地,坦黑蒂), Holmes (荷爾蒙,福爾摩斯). 有些意譯和音譯用時並用,精彩萬分: Starbucks (星巴克), Best Buy (百思買). 有些譯名幾可乱真,連外國人聽来也像中國人: Rowlinson (陸林生), Champollion (張伯苓). 最近高科技公司纷紛出籠,譯名也別開生面: Google (谷歌), Facebook (臉書), Xerox (全錄). 另外一類的是文學,繪畫,音樂和地理,歷史連不起來 (cross discipline idiosyncrasy): Arles (阿萊城,阿罗), Hannibal (漢尼抜,海那鮑). 也有不按牌理的: Joan of Arc (貞德,瓊阿克). 另人啼笑皆非的是 Spain (西班牙) 和 Portugal (葡萄牙), 聽說這是上海人的傑作.

有一類譯名的困擾,不是音,而是'意'的誤解. There is one example, something suddenly is missing when you translate 'Wine' from English to Mandarin.  It is '酒' that causes a lot of problems.   Wine is translated to '酒', but '酒' in China means any kind alcoholic drink and wine is an alcoholic drink made from the juice of grapes only.  So liquor is not wine.  Beer is not wine either.  If we translate the above two sentences into Mandarin, it becomes: 烈酒不是酒.  啤酒也不是酒.  It sounds like '白馬非馬', very confusing indeed.  The solution is to translate 'Wine' to '葡萄酒'.  How do you translate '你喜歡喝什庅酒? ' to English?  It should be 'What kind of alcoholic drink do you prefer?', not "What kind of wine do you prefer?"  Actually here we talk about the common mistake in translation.  If we look up English-Chinese dictionary, we will find Wine: 葡萄酒, not 酒.  But for some reason, Chinese people always think wine is 酒.

很多有學識和好奇心的人,為了多瞭解遠方異國的文化常會參閱一些翻譯的文章. 可是隔了一些時日,常發現很多外國人名記不起來,或是很多事情連貫不起来. 追根結底,很多是源於譯名的混淆和不統一所致. 尤其在譯名中不附英文,有時很難了解事情的来龍去脈. 很多常用的名字已經定型,可是很多不常用的名字則是很令人困擾, 這是中文的一項缺陷.

Friday, April 24, 2015


Have you ever heard of James Burke, how about his 'Connections'?  If the answer is not, you are not well connected.  Don't panic, it may not be that important anyway.  Connections, 顧名思義, is from a to b to q to y etc.  The historical event and fact can be connected with others with some reasonable or wild logic.  In Mandarin, it is called '東拉西推,南觀北聞,上擠下通,湊在一起'.  I myself sometime love to do the trick and find it one of my hobby.  Here is one example.

去年十一月,返台參加五十週年 Reunion, 在高雄捷運美麗島站參觀頗富別開生面的天花板---'光之穹頂'. 地鐵站五顏六色的光片在你頭上展現藝術的光,頗有令人張目結舌之感. 我當時在想,如果吳振和捐一些 LED 面板加上 interface 使 display programmable, 那會更有意義和價值. 想想每天可展覽不同的穹頂,太有幻想和創意了. 吳振和銷售的 LED 說不定可以取代燈泡而成為 'Bulb of the 21st Century'.  After making ton of money, 吳振和 should be in an ideal position to finance Gus' SCMOS project.  Well, here is the connection, -'光之穹頂' leads to '穹頂之下'.  This '穹頂' is not exactly like the one in 高雄, but close enough.

'穹頂之下' 乃柴靜女士的驚人之作, 可是在 Internet 上面推波助浪,點擊率上億之時,突遭封殺,驚鴻一瞥,消聲匿跡. 這種事祇有在專制政權,沒有言論自由的社會才會發生. 奇怪的是中國大眾,包括海外華人,居然見怪不怪,沒有譴責和抱怨的聲音. 中國人真是那麼順民嗎? 當今全世界能把輿論像水龍頭一樣,要關就關,要開就開,小百姓像綿羊一樣的國家沒有幾個,中國是最醒目的一個. 我覺得龍應台比李敖 consistent. 李敖專罵國民党,可是碰到共產党卻噤聲消音,他是近代文人不可思議的一位典型'不誠實'人士. 今年是羊年,好像是中國人的典型 horoscope sign (溫順綿羊). 不過民間習俗卻大異其趣. 君知龍年,虎年,小民猛生龍女虎子,對恐龍暴虎敬畏有加,有誰聽說羊年要生貴子乎? 如此看來,中國人有人格分裂症? 幾年前 AL Gore 競選總統失敗後,東山再起,以 'An Inconvenient Truth' 一短片報導,就像柴女士一樣,在國際暴紅,居然得無數,還包括 Nobel Prize. 同樣事情,在美國和中國居然有如此大不同的結果, 天淵之別,實令人嘆為覌止. 與此類似的尚有 Internet Great Wall. 中國政府对待 Internet 就像水龍頭一樣,要開就開,要關就關,廣大平民,一奌辦法都沒有. 以前有人說互聯網是推翻專制政權的一大利器,事實証明並不是這庅一回事,反倒是給專制政權一把利器用來控制輿論與人民. '水可載舟,亦可覆舟'.  Which one is on the upper hand, Dictatorship or the Freedom of Speech?  China also has developed a new censorship weapon to accompany its Great Firewall in order to silence not only its citizens -- but critics around the globe.  If we try to learn something from the history, we have to remember that the Great Wall had not been very effective since its inception more than two thousand years ago.

From 柴靜,令人想起柴玲女士. 名字接近,長得又像,好似姊妹. 這位有名的民運人士,脫胎換骨,與人離婚,民運也不幹了,書也不念了,搖身一變成為創業人士. 最近更與人對簿公堂,控告一異類牧師遠志明,非禮強姦,如是云云. 有趣的是這位野道牧師,來歷不明,背景特殊,令人啼笑皆非. 他本是馬克思的無神論信徒,後來脫皮變成一位基督教牧師,發表一些奇論. 遠志明在以拆字方式宣稱中文字隱含聖經內的描述以進行傳教,例如「」字拆開成「舟八口」,代表著一艘船裝著八個人,就是創世紀中挪亜帶了一家八口進方舟的故事。將老子當成類似於舊約的先知,有似摩門教的 Joseph Smith. 將道德經 和聖經並列的表達,穿鑿附會,荒誕不經. 被一些基督徒認為是和掌權者政治合作來控制基督教會.  遠志明稱在信主以前,過許多壞事,他說 "比柴玲現在指控強暴的更惡的事都過, 在主面前,赤露敞開,沒有什麼罪不能認的, 但是沒做過的事, 我也不能承認,妳不能強加我罪名,要我承認我沒有做過的". 柴玲認為遠志明並沒有按她的意願道歉,之後把指控遠志明強暴的事情公布到網絡. 竟誰'死不認錯',公說公有理,婆說婆有理. 柴玲從轟轟烈烈的民運,到被 rape 的控告,是沈淪還是靈性的昇華? 人各有志? 都是環境的產物,混沌學的又一章.

遠志明這种人也可以當牧師,使我想和尚尼姑充斥五星級飯店,吃油食,不知修行為何物,變種另類的生活方式或謀生的職業,而不是行生涯. 他們大多不事生產,把善男信女的供奉,不當浪費,令人擲筆三以前和尚尼姑皆是長居道院,很少出外. 他們除了念以外,还有時間葡萄,喝喝酒.  Carl Orff 在他那震憾的名曲 '布蘭之歌' (Camina Burana), 把這些和尚描寫的淋漓盡致---Get out of Monastery, get Drunk and get Wild.

從牧師 接 (connect) 到我們同學俞繼斌,他在我們的 forum 沈默言,從没聽一句 'blessing' from him. 倒是一些同學們三不五時,念念不忘 blessing 一番. I get used to this 'blessing' now, it is almost like 'have a nice day' to me. 我一直以為基督教的牧師有傳教的職責,可是從來就没聽到俞同學的半點聲音. 大概他認為對學工程的人教是一件 '鴨子聽雷'  '牛彈琴', 事倍功半的苦差事. 他也許不知道同學們居然有很多基督徒,還加上不少'半吊子'督徒. 祇要他花點小力氣,說不定事半功倍,滿載而歸. 不过對我來說, 俞同學的沈默是好事. 我記得房龍 (Hendrik Willem Van Loon) 說過一句話 (房龍英雄傳), "席間有一牧師在座,那將是多麼掃興的一件事".

Saturday, March 28, 2015


The passing of 李光耀 signifies the end of an era of Singapore.  He is a visionary and strong leader.  Before independence in 1965, Singapore was the capital of the British Straits Settlements, a Crown Colony.  After its independence, along with Hong Kong, South Korea, and Taiwan, Singapore became one of the original Four Asian Tigers. The Singaporean economy is known as one of the freest, most innovative, most competitive, and most business-friendly. The 2013 Index of Economic Freedom ranks Singapore as the second freest economy in the world, behind Hong Kong. According to the Corruption Perceptions Index, Singapore is consistently ranked as one of the least corrupt countries in the world, along with New Zealand and the Scandinavian countries.  This astonished achievements largely was due to the vision and the policies of 李光耀 who steered the treacherous path of Singapore's development in the modern world.  From the very beginning, Singapore adopts English as the official language in the country even majority of them are Chinese.  This gives Singapore instant advantage in almost every international activity among Asian countries.  It is  as if a set of people suddenly abandons its cultural burden and press a reset button for a fresh reboot.

As of 2014, Singapore is the 14th largest exporter and the 15th largest importer in the world. The country has the highest trade-to-GDP ratio in the world, signifying the importance of trade to its economy. The country is currently the only Asian country to receive AAA credit ratings from all three major credit rating agencies: Standard and Poor's, Moody's, Fitch.  Singapore attracts a large amount of foreign investment as a result of its location, corruption-free environment, skilled workforce, low tax rates and advanced infrastructure. There are more than 7,000 multinational corporations from the United States, Japan, and Europe in Singapore. There are also approximately 1,500 companies from China and a similar number from India. Foreign firms are found in almost all sectors of the country's economy. Singapore is also the second-largest foreign investor in India.  Roughly 44 percent of the Singaporean workforce is made up of non-Singaporeans.  Over ten free-trade agreements have been signed with other countries and regions.  Singapore also possesses the world's eleventh largest foreign reserves, and has one of the highest net international investment position per capita.  Acute poverty is rare in Singapore. The government has rejected the idea of a generous welfare system, stating that each generation must earn and save enough for its entire life cycle.  In Singapore, the philosophy of welfare rests on four pillars:

1. Each generation should pay its own way.

2. Each family should pay its own way.
3. Each individual should pay his own way.
4. Only after passing through these three filters should individual turn to the government for help. 

Singapore has the world's highest percentage of millionaires, with one out of every six households having at least one million US dollars in disposable wealth. This excludes property, businesses, and luxury goods, which if included would increase the number of millionaires, especially as property in Singapore is among the world's most expensive.  Singapore does not have a minimum wage, believing that it would lower its competitiveness. 

However, something may not be that glitter.  In recent years, the country has been identified as an increasingly popular tax haven for the wealthy due to the low tax rate on personal income and tax exemptions on foreign-based income and capital gains. Australian millionaire retailer Brett Blundy, with an estimated personal wealth worth AU$835 million, and multi-billionaire Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin are two examples of wealthy individuals who have settled in Singapore.  Also despite market freedom, Singapore's government operations have a significant stake in the economy, contributing 22% of the GDP.  Below the surface Singapore is not a Shangri la either.  李光耀 holds the view of so-called "Asian Values".  The cult of "Asian values" grew in the 1990's as the economies of East Asia and Southeast Asia took off.   He argued that there were hard and clear differences between "Eastern" and "Western" cultures: In the former, the individual matters less than in the latter, and, as a consequence, in the former, human rights matter less than the need for the security of the collective and economic growth.  This argument finds its backers in Asia's authoritarian countries, but it has also been widely criticized as well. More than 60 percent of the world's population lives in Asia, and to imply that each and every Asian is somehow bound by a shared system of values is utterly preposterous. The fact that some of East Asia's most advanced economies — Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan — also are healthy, battle-tested democracies suggests that societies steeped in Confucianism can happily accommodate more liberal, "modern" forms of politics. 

Perhaps the right question to ask is that which way of governing is better in the long run.  Singapore is a miracle in her achievement so far.  Its economy, education and the transparency of the government are highly ranked in the world.  Most Singaporeans seem content and few protest has been found in and outside of the society.  If government is for the people, Singapore must be the one. As to 'of the people' and 'by the people', it depends on how you look at them.

Here are some of the many criticisms worth noting.  

1. Singapore as "the most open and clear society in the world", and that since every minister is paid at least $1 m a year, "there is no temptation and it is the cleanest society you would find anywhere".  To some people, this is also a bribe to the government officials.  That is to say, they support Lee Kuan Yew's unjust laws and policies in return for money.  Officials who seek authority as custodians of political power must have the character to keep away from crime no matter what the temptation might be.  The argument that ministers should be paid millions of dollars to keep them from corruption does not hold water.   

2. Many journalists were imprisoned. Independently owned newspapers were shut down. Today all Singaporean publications, TV channels and radio stations are owned and run by the government.

3. Civil society is nonexistent. Non-government organisations, student bodies and trade unions are tightly controlled.  Public assemblies outside a small and demarcated area are banned.

4. The opposition is in a moribund state.  Many of its leaders have been arrested and detained without trial, prosecuted in court, and sued till bankruptcy for defamation.

5. The election system is far from free and fair.  The "election" of the country's president to be held in a few weeks' time, for example, is restricted to a handful of candidates allowed by the prime minister.

6. Political power amassed in the hands of the few in Singapore is also used to ensure that a disproportionate amount of financial power is accumulated in those same hands.

Two books are worth reading for the dark side of Singapore.

(1) To Catch a Tartar: A Dissident in Lee Kuan Yew's Prison, October 1, 1994 by Francis T. Seow.

This book details everything from Mr Francis Seow's journey as Solicitor-general to his detention without trial by the ISD and his eventual exile from Singapore. It disproves every piece of nonsense about Singapore's impartial and transparent judiciary and media. 

(2) Singapore's Authoritarian Capitalism," by Christopher Lingle

Mr. Lingle describes an unwritten social contract under which citizens tolerate political repression in exchange for material rewards. After visiting the country for 25 years, He underestimates the appeal of the package of rising living standards and clean administration that the governing People's Action Party delivers in return for a fairly free hand in running the country.  From a perspective gained from his service as a former Senior Fellow at the National University of Singapore, Dr. Lingle identifies Singapore's authoritarian capitalism as combining a selective degree of economic freedom and private property rights with strong-armed control over political life. According to him, political loyalty is the ultimate determinant of success rather than the efficient utilization of resources, and sycophantic business relations replace the growth-inducing actions of true entrepreneurs. Singapore's Authoritarian Capitalism questions the long-term survival of the PAP and its capacity to sustain Singapore's miracle growth record due to internal contradictions arising from the imposed institutional arrangements.

Leaders in Singapore's PAP regime see themselves as a permanent fixture. Yet despite their grip on all organs of political power, the record clearly shows a continual decline in the margins of victory at the polls. These results suggest that Singaporeans are suffering from PAP fatigue. Apparently, an increasing number of people believe that the material gains do not constitute adequate compensation for the nanny-state nagging of an arrogant political leadership.  Some of the regime's most prominent spokespersons have gone on the offensive by promoting a contrived set of Asian values to legitimize their exercise of unchallenged authority. Simultaneously, they also identify certain values as a threat to stability, usually equated with one-party rule. The PAP's position on these issues remains unchallenged at home due to an obsessive control over the media and the vigorous suppression of dissent.

Singapore's critics have plenty of genuine grievances to denounce.  So why do the critics keep complaining about "lack of democracy" when the real story is that most Singaporeans persistently prefer the PAP to the opposition?  You may think in Singapore, one knows something is wrong, but he cannot question it like the person in any other free country in the world.  But this can't explain why there are not many protests by Singaporeans outside the country.

While studying Singapore, we can find some precedents in history.  It is Enlightened Despots.  By the end of the 18th Century, the new ideas from Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau and Voltaire exerted enormous influences in Europe that most rulers tried to transform themselves.  The most noted two are Frederick II of Prussia and Catherine II of Russia.  They ruled according to the principles of enlightened despotism.  These principles included favoring religious tolerance, making economic and legal reforms and justifying their rule by its usefulness to society rather than by divine right.  However, after the passing of Frederick and Catherine, their forms of ruling eventually collapsed and ideas got forgotten.  Since the real system is not there in root and the passing of a strong leader usually causes the collapse of the reform.  It remains to be seen whether the case of Singapore mirroring the 'Enlighten Despot'.

It may be interesting to compare the three regions formed by mostly Chinese ethnic people in recent history and see how they stack up in the performance and also project their future.  'Democracy', 'Science', 'Capitalism' and 'Communism' are the four major ideologies of the 20th century.  孫中山和胡適 服膺 '民主' 與 '科學', 毛澤東和同恩來擁抱國際共產主義,李光耀追求'科學'和'資本主義'.  香港 什麼都不重要,祇要 Free to choose 的資本主義.  三人行,必有我師焉, 大家可以從他們的經驗得到一些教訓和智慧. 到現在為止,好像大陸的變相共產加資本主義和科有後來居上的趨勢. 大陸和新加坡民主而採 Plato 式的政治程序,類似羅馬天主教,倒是近代很值得探討和思考的議題.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Venture Capital and Shark Tank

Shark Tank is a TV reality competition show that five or six investor tycoons pitch against the aspiring entrepreneurs for investment and fund.  The contestants make business presentations briefly.  They talked about the exchange of 15% of the company with $100K or something like this.  You’d think how a business deal can be decided within 15 minutes.  It must be like an impulse buying and most impulse buying is not good investment.  However, you watch the show and see the exchange of the idea and figure, you realize the deal can be made and the outcome may not be that bad after all.  In fact, most of the deals go pretty well as the time can tell.

Well, after watching the Shark Tank, you start to wonder why the VC business in the real world is so complicate and time consuming to arrange.  Perhaps VC & ST are the two extremes of the same business.  VC depends on the detail analysis and number crunching to reach the conclusion as to invest or not.  In contrast, ST depends on a brief presentation, some general number & figure and mainly some quickie inquiries and gut feeling to make decision, invest or not, ie make a deal or I am out.

In VC, the fund is a pool of money from various sources.  In ST, the fund is from the shark 100%.  The investor is like CEO or the owner of the project, so he can say yes or no in the right spot.  It is not a team sport.  It is not a symphony, it is a solo instrument.  It is like a special case of business investment.  It is like one-man company with a lot of money fund.  You go out to seek and buy some business deals. You try to bid against other people and try to get deal at the lowest possible cost you can get.  Meanwhile you skip all others you don’t think they are worth the time and effort.  I wonder why this business model can’t be executed on the street, Wall Street or City Street.  To push this further, why can’t we do it on the Internet?  With instant video conference, the Shark Tank can be assembled easily and performed in a daily basis.  The investor shark & aspired entrepreneur can be screened and qualified depending on the particular business model.

The figures and numbers most of the time are beyond my head.  I know one thing I can't do is to make the decision right there within 15 minutes.  I sort of admire those Sharks, they sure look sharp on number and have keen sense of the nature of business.  Some of us work in the high tech industry know that it is hard to write a business plan and proposal.  It is even harder to meet those VC investors.  Now these five or six sharks look at those small fishes in the tank.  It is sometime hard to watch the episode without emotion.  You either feel good, bad, distress or downright disgusting when the shark calls fish cockroach or something else.  The Shark Tank looks like a micro-cosmos of VC as it tries to compress 6-month VC process to a 15-minute decision.  I kind of think the shark can not lose as long as there are enough good & reasonable proposals come along.  After all, if you have the cash, you are the king.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Vienna Philharmonic New Year's Concert 2015

There are three major events attract most people's attention near the end of every year.  one is Macy's Thanksgiving Parade in New York, then the Rose Parade on New years day at Pasadena and the last is the Vienna Philharmonic New Year's Concert.  People around the world gather around fireplace, watch the heart-warming parades and music/dance performance in their family rooms.  This becomes a tradition for many people to end the year and usher in the new year.  Of course just before watching the Rose Parade, most people sing Auld Lang Syne to send the old year off for nostalgic purpose.

This year, Zubin Mehta leads the concert for the fifth time and arranges a repertoire dedicated to science, technology, wine, music and dance. The concert is considered to be the largest worldwide event in classical music, reaching millions of people annually through radio, TV and the Internet in over 80 countries.  It showcased Viennese musical culture at the highest level, and since the first telecast in 1959, sent the world a New Year's greeting in the spirit of hope, friendship and peace.

The concert is about two hours long and the program consists of two parts with intermission.  The Austrian telecast version is by ORF (Austrian Broadcasting).  The American version is edited to one and half hour narrated by Julie Andrews this year.  Here let's take a look of the second part of the program (after Intermission).

        Johann Strauss – Perpetual Motion
        Johann Strauss- Accelerations Waltz
        Johann Strauss- Electro-Magnetic Polka
        Eduard Strauss – At Full Steam, Quick Polka
        Josef Strauss- Viennese Life, French Polka
        Johann Strauss- On the Elbe, Waltz
        Hans Christian Lumby – Champagne Galop
        Johann Strauss – Students Polka
        Johann Strauss Sr.- Freedom March
        Johann Strauss- Annen-Polka
        Johann Strauss- Wine, Women & Song, Waltz
        Eduard Strauss- With Style, Quick Polka

At a glance, the first four pieces are devoted to science and technology.  1850's was the high time of industrial revolution and the music reflects that spirit.  The 'Perpetual Motion' and 'Accelerations' come from Physics, 'Electro-Magnetic' is from Electrical Engineering, 'At Full Steam' is from Mechanical Engineering.  The combined first four polka/waltz is like microprocessor, personal computer, Internet and mobile phone all lumped together in our time. It follows with life in Vienna and on the River Elbe.  Elbe (易北河) is not that famous like Donau (Danube) or Rhine, nevertheless it is a major river in Germany.  Then it comes with Champagne Galop.  It is a hilarious gathering for wine tasting with a 'pop', a sign of good life.  After the high tech and champagne, it ushers in the 'Students Polka', a reflection of college student life.  Before I go further, you might get confused about the waltz, polka, galop etc.  Waltz is easy, it is just a common dance we see in ballroom dance competition.  Polka is a faster pace with two-beat dance.  However, there are many types of polka, to name a few, francaise polka, mazulka polka, quick polka etc.  As to Galop, it is just a much quicker polka.  Now lets get into our main theme, the Students Polka.  You listen to this polka and immediately you catch the familiar tune, "Gaudeamus Igitur".  It is a drinking song sung in Latin started around 13th century.  Johannes Brahms also used this tune in his 'Academic Festival Overture'.  Now the question comes up, why drinking becomes a theme of college life?  Perhaps most people thought the university was mostly for the rich kids at that time.  Well, in parallel with the concert, a modern ballet is performed in the Vienna University to portray the student life.  Like most artistic work, you can interpret with your imagination and find the influence or likeness in your life.  Here is my interpretation based on the experience in our college time and wish you have your own version.  Meanwhile I should say 'thank' to the Internet.  Without it, it is just hard to talk about music and dance in a synchronous manner.  Please visit the following link and just watch it from 35:15 to 39:25.

35:15---Johann Strauss Sohn, Sohn is son in German.  There are two Johann Strauss, Senior and Junior or Father and Son.  Junior is more famous and is called 'The Waltz King'.  Most music pieces you hear here are by Junior.  However, the well-known march at the end of the concert is always 'Radetzky  March' by Johann Strauss Senior.  Polka Francaise is a French style polka, a slower and mellow polka.
35:35---This is a good old Unversity of Vienna with a very nice library.
35:42-36.00---This is the main theme, the drinking song with mellow tone.
36:00---Three college kids rush into scene, one from physics dept, one from mechanical engineering and one from electrical engineering.  They are heading to the library but meet and chat there.  Before getting into library, they talk about the party the previous night and decide to make some plan for the weekend.
36:30--- They drop the textbook and forget the whole thing about study with the drinking tune hanging around.
36:45---Well, it is the time to pick up the books and head to the main library.
36:51---Just around & up the stairways, here come 兩位外文系高材生.
37:00---Wow, they are teasing and flirting, my goodness!
37:38---But I have to study '电機機械', better go & hurry.
37:50---Hold it, what happen to the girls?  Go with those two guys? 是可忍,孰不可忍?
38:00---Hack with 馬雲龍, let's go to take a look.
38:05---Hey, guy, shape up, don't 毛手毛腳.
38:26---Wait, 君子動腦不動手, why not duel on the study table (not majhang table)? 桌上見.
38:34---永動機?荒謬! Locomotive? runs only on the track! Here is something new, 這邊電場,那邊磁場,中間就可轉起來!
38:50---No hidden deal under the table!
38:54---Here is the demo, rotation!
39:00---兩位外文系高材生 頭被轉昏了. Wow, the EE kid looks real, let's go with him for another experiment.
39:10---See, 左邊電場,右邊磁場,中間的我就可動起來.
39:20---左右逢源,大地回春. What a life!
39:25---Viva Faraday, Viva Maxwell. Long Live the Electrical Engineer.

I mentioned the good old 'Gaudeamus Igitur'.  Some music critic (Sigmund Spaeth) said it is the second most famous tune in the world.  I am not sure about this but at least it stands out to be a popular one.  Most music lovers know this tune is used in Brahms Academic Festival Overture in a big way in its ending.  It sounds odd to celebrate the graduation with the drinking song.  However, if from another angle to look at this, it may not be that inappropriate.  After the toils of four years, labors in library & laboratory, you finally get the coveted degree.  Isn't it the right time to indulge on some drinking binge?  As the lyrics of the song indicates, after the joyous young age and after the painful old age, all we have is the earth.  In other words, 萬物終將歸塵土.

Here is the little story about this episode of Brahms.  In the summer of 1879, The University of Breslau awarded Brahms an honorary doctorate degree and Brahms accepted.  However, he didn't do anything until sometime in 1880, someone told him that the university expected him to write some music  in return.  Brahms in haste and didn't have enough time to compose something meaningful.  He then threw in several songs sang in various schools and blended them into something like coming out of a soup kitchen.  At the end of the overture, he chose this drinking song 'Gaudeamus Igitur'.  Well, you guess it, some liked it and some didn't.  Some conservative parents thought it is unforgivable to tell graduates starting their life with drinking.  Anyway, Brahms got the degree and the university got the overture, a happy ending after all.

The video clip has been removed from YouTube due to the copyright issue.  This is not uncommon these days in the Internet age.  Usually the program is available for several weeks for public view.  Although the owner of the program has the right to do whatever it wants, it is a pity that it diminishes the value of the program by imposing the restriction.  If most people can't watch and appreciate the artistic program, what is the use of the program itself?  Of course we can go and buy the DVD of the program, but to most people it is a severe inconvenience.