Sunday, October 25, 2009


Autumn is here again, the season of harvesting, of thanksgiving, of bird’s migration, of preparation for bear’s hibernation, of meditation for some people. But is it real the season for a journey? I was in one Chinese bookstore last week. I encountered a book 秋之頌, by 余光中. I thought the poet had the mood to say something about autumn. It turns out to be a book in praise of 梁實秋. I have a lot of respect to Mr. 梁, but this is not the one I am interested at the moment. I did find a book by Hermann Hesse (赫塞), a Nobel Laureate of Literature, 1946. The title of the short novel is 秋之旅 (1907). 赫塞的短篇小說 有一種獨特的風格, 意境深遠, 今人回味無窮. 這小說並沒有特別指出發生在秋天. 但重頭到尾給你一種秋氣肅穆的感覺. 秋之旅 描寫一位青年在流浪和懷鄉之間徘徊的心靈. 重遊舊地的落寞和昔日情人相遇的感傷, 給人有一種人生虛幻無常又孤獨哀傷的感受. 原文是德文, 看翻譯文學最重要的是翻譯者的功力. 中譯本衹有四十頁, 分成下面幾章: 渡湖, 投宿, 風暴, 往事, 靜寂的村落, 清晨動身, 伊爾根貝克, 尤琍, 霧. 比起 Muller/Schubert 的冬之旅, 赫塞的這篇小說比較輕鬆, 並沒有給你一種失意, 失戀, 落魄而近乎絕望的感受. 秋之旅給你一種孤獨,流浪,虛幻無常的感覺, 但不是痛苦到一种近乎絕望的悲情. 也許這就是秋天和冬天的不同吧!

寫到這裹, 想起赫塞的另一篇小說 “青春,美麗的青春" (1916). 我在1965年看到沉櫻(本名陳瑛)女士翻譯的. 譯文流暢, 非常傳神,令人回味不已. 這篇小說大約也是四十來頁. 描寫一個青年冀圖開拓命運而又懷念家鄉,憧憬浪漫的愛情而又希求安定歸宿的故事. 在一個暑假裡,他回到家鄉和親人相敘,其間發生了一些親情,友情,愛情的故事. 這小說我看過三次 (age 20’s, 40’a & 60’s), 每次感受都不一樣. 想起我們剛大學畢業,申請到國外大學的 admission or scholarship. 負笈彼邦以前,每一個都是青年冀圖開拓命運而又懷念家鄉. 在暑假時回家一趟,看到親人故舊,無不感到溫馨,同時憧憬浪漫自由而又希求安定歸宿. 所以讀起這篇小說更是容易感到共嗚. 同時這也是感嘆夏日之逝去,迎來绮麗的秋之旅.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Nobel Prizes

All Nobel Laureates were announced. They are all American except two, one Romanian German, one Israeli. This is the age of American as far as the Nobel Prize is concerned. Half of the American winners are immigrants, naturalized citizens. Obama is a black horse to win the Peace Prize, a surprise to most people in the world. Even he himself doesn't think he deserves it. Peace Prize is very subjective & political. Some people even interpret this as an award to the American People who after all elected him as the president & so have a foresight & promise to the peace in the future.

Now move to the other front. One resident of Mountain View in California won the Physics Prize. Charles Kao is an Electrical Engineer. He is awarded for his work on Fiber Optics. The other two persons share the prize are also Electrical Engineers who worked on Charge Coupled Devices (CCD)that makes modern digital camera possible. The only bad thing is that Kao worked on fiber optics in 1965 & he got the award a little bit late (44 years later) since he already develops some kind of Alzheimer's disease. It is pretty hard for engineers to get Nobel Prize mainly because they usually focus on the application side of the scientific discovery or invention. OSI is the open model used in the communication & network industry. It consists of seven layers: physical, link, network, transport, session, presentation & application. Only the physical layer relates to the device physics and can be a potential candidate of Nobel Prize. In this Internet age, the influence of the Ethernet protocol (link layer) is immense. But it is not in the radar scope of the Nobel Prize. I spent almost two years working on Fibre Channel Storage Network. My works were in the link, network & transport layers & had very little to do with the physical layer. Charles Kao got the prize mainly due to his research on the physical layer. Depending on your career goal, you have to focus on something, after all you only got 24 hours a day. My engineering work on fibre channel has a lot to do with the communication protocols & software. Anyway, I got four patents out of my work.

It is not uncommon for a person to wait 30 years to get the Nobel Prize. For patent, it is not that bad, but still takes time. You may have to wait three years or more to get patent granted. In our Taida days, we used to hear some brilliant classmates set the goal to get Nobel Prize in some distant future. Time flies, the distant future is now. The first one I know is 許貞雄. He was my good old classmate in high school & major in physics. He got his Ph.D from University of Wisconsin & went to Stony Brook to follow 楊振寧 for post-doctoral research. He didn’t stay long before he went back to Taiwan. I asked him about the whole thing several years later. Here is what he said: “Dr. Young is so deep (in thinking or something else) that I lost all my confidence as a research fellow of physics.” He opted to teach in 清華大學 for the rest of his life. In our EE Dept, the most notable candidates are 李純儀 & Amo, both of them are visible & vocal. Lately we haven’t heard anything from 李純儀 about his ambition. However, Amo is still pursuing. We should proudly cheer: “Carry on, Dr. Amo.”

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Moon & Rusalka

中秋節 of 2009 falls on October 3. The temperature hovered around 60 degree on the day & I haven’t seen the moon so bright, so round & so shining for some time. I checked the luner calendar, it said 已丑中秋節. I don’t know how many people still use or follow 天干地支 counting in China. It takes 60 years to reach a cycle & restart. So when someone says 一甲子, he means 60 years. I have no idea why our ancesters used this system. Perhaps people at that time in average only lived to 60 years of age. Otherwise it will be confusing when some one say 甲午年. It may be 1894 or 1834. Think about it, we are all over 60 years old. How about 壬午年, it may be 1942 or 2002. As a matter of fact, our history book lists all these terms: 戊戌政變, 甲午战争, 辛亥革命, 庚子賠款 etc. It is nice to know that the events occur in that year. But the problem is that you really don’t know how it relates to 公元 or how many years between those events. You have to do some conversion or cross reference. I do have an algorithm that converts BC or AD to 天干地支. It is as follows:

十 天干:甲乙丙丁戊已庚辛壬癸 (index 0-9)
十二 地支: 子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥 (index 0-11)

For AD, use (Year –4) & the following calculation:
(1972 - 4) mod (10) ≡ 8,所以天干是“壬”;
(1972 - 4) mod (12) ≡ 0,所以地支是“子”。
So 1972 is (8,0) 壬子
Same conversion leads 1942: 壬午

For year from 1 to 4, it is:
4: 甲子
3: 癸亥
2: 壬戌
1: 辛酉

For BC, it is more complicate & I will reserve this for some other time. Let’s get back to a soft side of our life. Moon to most of us is romantic. It shines on us, no talking, no complain, no excuse. No wonder some poet like 李白 & others ran the imagination to the wild. Here are some examples:

暮從碧山下, 山月隨人歸.
举杯邀明月, 对影成三人.
我歌月俳佪, 我舞影零乱.
暫伴月將影, 行樂須及春.
星隨平野闊, 月湧大江流.
霧溼樓台, 月迷津渡.
明月如霜, 好風如水.
明月幾時有, 把酒问青天.
沙上珏禽池上暝, 雲破月來花弄影.
海上生明月, 天涯共此時.

But the most famous & appropriate to 中秋節 is:
人有悲欢離合, 月有陰晴圓缺, 此事古難全.
但願人長久, 千里共嬋娟.

梁弘志 wrote a song “但願人長久”using 苏東坡 的水調歌頭 as the lyrics. It becomes very popular since 1980’s. On the western front, Dvorak composed “Song to the Moon” in opera Rusalka. It is one of the most well-known song dedicated to the moon. 歌 詞 傷 感, 期 待 而 無 耐, 冷 艶 而 淒 婉. 最 後 一 句 是 近 乎 绝 望 的 呼 喊. Rusalka is a water sprite, who seeks love with human beings that proves to be tragic. Here is the lyric in Czech & its verbatim translation: (* is repeated verse)

Mesiku na nebi hlubokem--------------O moon up in the deep sky
Svetlo tvé daleko vidi,------------------Your light sees distant places
Po svete bloudis sirokém, --------------You travel round the wide world
Divas se v pribytky lidi. ----------------You look into people’s houses
--------------------------------------*You travel round the wide world
--------------------------------------*You look into people’s houses

Mesicku, postuj chvili------------------ O, moon, stay for a moment
Reckni mi, kde je muj mily------------- Tell me where is my love!
----------------------------------------*O, moon, stay for a moment
-------------------------------------*Tell me, oh, tell me where is my love!

Rekni mu, stribmy mesicku, --Tell him please, silver moon in the sky,
Me ze jej objima rame, -----------------That I embrace him,
Aby si alespon chvilicku----------That he should for at least a while …
Vzpomenul ve sneni na mne ------------… remember his dreams!
-----------------------------------*That he should for at least a while …
--------------------------------------*… remember his dreams!

Zasvet mu do daleka -------------------Light up his distant place,
Rekni mu, rekni m kdo tu nan ceka!---Tell him, who waits here!
----------------------------------------*Light up his distant place,
------------------------------------*Tell him, oh, tell him who waits here!

mneli duse lidska sni -------------------If he dreams of me, …
At'se tou vzpominkou vzbudi! ----------… may this memory waken him!
Mesicku, nezhasni, nezhasni!---O, moon, don’t disappear, don’t go!

Here we found some striking similarity between eastern & western version that shows human feeling is universal. If we look at the first stanza of the song, it is 轉 朱 閣, 低 綺 户, 照 無 眠. The second & third stanzas are sort of like 不 應 有 恨, 何 事 偏 向 別 時 圓.. The fourth stanza is 人 有 悲 欢 離 合, 月 有 陰 晴 圓 缺, 此 事 古 難 全. The last stanza is equivalent to 但 願 人 長 久, 千 里 共 嬋 娟..

The following video clip is Rusalka performed by Lucia Popp, a Slovak soprano. She is ideal for singing Czech opera.

Dvorak (1841-1904) is a Czech composer. His most famous works are Symphony from the New World, Cello Concerto, “American” String Quartet & Slavonic Dances.