Saturday, December 20, 2014

Chaos and Life

Is life predictable?  Isn't it like weather forecast?  Yes, it is partially predictable in the short term.  However, the accuracy of the long term forecast is way off and not many people take it seriously.  Even in the short term forecast, it is only partially predictable.  Sometime a slight cause exerts a big effect in the weather pattern.  Our life is very much like it.  In the late 20th century, there is hardly an earthshaking thought created except the Theory of Chaos.  It is a mathematical model of studying a system related to its stability.  The Chaos states that the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependency on initial conditions in which a small change at one place in a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state.

In the course of our life, the successful rate of the short term trip is very high comparing to the long term one.  It can be understood by using an input/output model with a deterministic box A, input A(i) yield output A(o).  For illustrated purpose, a person plans with input A(i) = 5.  He thinks it is 5 exact.  But in reality, the input value may be 5.00 with accuracy to two significant digits.  In the real world, a point is like a real number.  The person thinks his input is 5.00 but actually it may be 5.003 or 5.00243 in the real situation.  He can't see the difference in input as he only sees to the two digit accuracy in decimal place.  The point here is that even the person can only control the input to certain decimal places, any slight difference in the nth decimal places may cause a big change in the output for a nonlinear system.  For example the person may control his input to 5.000000....  But the sudden death of his son in a remote area may be the 100th decimal place of his input.  Since life most of the time is a nonlinear system, a small perturbation may cause a big change of behavior.  In this case, it is really look like a butterfly effect as something occurs thousand miles away but the impact is almost instant at the Internet speed.  The result is that the person has to terminate the trip he planned and rush to his sun's funeral.  The outcome A(o) is totally out of prediction from his input but can be explained with the Theory of Chaos.  In real life, we simply can not control the input to the accuracy of reality and the nth decimal place very often causes a big effect to the outcome.  It can also be rephrased as: When the present determines the future, but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future.

Since history is the story of mankind (a group of people), its behavior can also be unpredictable.  In the field of Electrical Engineering, there is one discipline called Control System.  It studies the stability of a system and how to control it.  A Russian Aleksandr Lyapunov (1857-1918) figured out some way to determine whether the system is stable without actually solving the detailed states of the system.  Lyapunov's study and impact were significant, and it is interesting to know a number of different mathematical concepts and engineering terms bear his name.  Here are some examples, Lyapunov Equation, Lyapunov Function, Lyapunov Exponent, Lyapunov Stability, Lyapunov Vector, Lyapunov Time etc.  Maximal Lyapunov Exponent (MLE) determines a notion of predictability for a dynamical system.  A positive MLE is taken as an indication that the system is chaotic.

Chaos theory also concerns some deterministic systems whose behavior can in principle be predicted. Chaotic systems are sometime predictable for a while and then appear to become random. The amount of time for which the behavior of a chaotic system can be effectively predicted depends on three factors:
(1) how much uncertainty we are willing to tolerate in the forecast
(2) how accurately we are able to measure its current state
(3) a time scale depending on the dynamics of the system, called the Lyapunov time.

Some examples of Lyapunov times are: chaotic electrical circuits, about 1 millisecond; weather systems, a couple of days; the solar system, 50 million years. In chaotic systems the uncertainty in a forecast increases exponentially with elapsed time. Hence doubling the forecast time squares the proportional uncertainty in the forecast. This means that in practice a meaningful prediction cannot be made over an interval of more than two or three times the Lyapunov time. When meaningful predictions cannot be made, the system appears to be random.  Perhaps the significance of Lyapunov's work is that someday we may prove the human history to be chaotic without getting into a lot of details in analyzing it.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Meaning of Thanksgiving

The first Thanksgiving was celebrated by the pilgrims in 1621 after their first harvest in the new world.  It was told that more than 80 native Americans and 50 pilgrims participated the celebration.  It is human nature to say thank after harvest or good fortune to those whom they believe to be the reason behind it.  Originally, the pilgrims are puritans, white and religious.  So the thanksgiving always has religious tone even the native Americans also participated.  When time goes by and new immigrants keep coming to the new world, the celebration of the Thanksgiving became less religious.  After all, most people say thank to God even they believe a different god.  The meaning of God transcends any particular religion.  This is the reason Thanksgiving is accepted by all works of life, all people in the US and Canada.  In fact, it is common in any part of the world, the people celebrate and say thank to god after some harvest activities.  It is only the US and Canada make it an annual ritual that transcends any particular harvest event.

Around 1000 AD, Leif Erikson tried to colonize the new world in Vinland near gulf of St. Lawrence.  After two years effort, they failed and left with most of them perished.  In this particular case, they had no reason to thank and they had every reason to curse as the fate was so cruel to them.  However, when people die, they cease to exist and they never get the chance to say what they believe.  This is like social Darwinism, the history is the winner's history.  Whatever come down generation to generation are those from the survivors and the winners in the struggle of existence.  So it is not hard to comprehend why Thanksgiving thrives and becomes popular as only the survivor and the winner say thank to their God.

Since I came to the US in 1965, the Thanksgiving Day has been important and meaningful to me as I was invited by American friends and host families to spend the day.  We spend the whole day together, talk about our life, our belief, play some games like jeopardy or chess, eat turkey dinner around a long and big table near a fire place.  Finally we say thank to God and go home peacefully.

When time goes by, we start to see something change as the commercial part of the holiday becomes evident.  Lately the first thing people have in mind is Black Friday when Thanksgiving is coming.  Black Friday is a big shopping day for people, started from 6 pm of the Thanksgiving Day.  It means you have to cut short your Thanksgiving dinner, have less time to be with your family and may not have a chance to say thank to God.  For those who have to work at this hour for the retail shops, their Thanksgiving Day are gone forever.  The original meaning of the Thanksgiving is thus lost in the oblivion.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Miracle

We sometime visited a telephone company and saw a trunk of wires, hundred of switches, relays and thousands of connections.  The whole thing looks complicate and like a gigantic puzzle.  Technology indeed changes the world and the ways we lead our life.  Lately, while trying to find out whether I should use DSL or install Cable for the Internet, I opened the little phone box just outside garage and also examined the cable setup inside garage.  They are very simple and similar, only two wires.  One looks like a twisted pair of tiny wires and the other is a coaxial cable of RG6.  The two wires used for the phone look so fragile and tiny, I almost think it is a miracle that has worked for so many years of service in my house.  First, it can ring the bell and when I answer the phone, it carries the phone conversation to and fro without any hiccup.  It also connects to a fax machine.  These two tiny wires can transmit several pages of document to another side of the world within a few minutes.  It has worked for 30 years, amazing.  Remember, it is only a twisted pair of two tiny wires that accomplishes the task as it is the only connection between my house and the outside world.  With DSL going through the twisted pair, I can see the whole world via millions of websites with tons of information more than I can handle most of the time.  Without the knowledge of electromagnetics and its theory, most people will think it is a miracle.

It is indeed the information theory and technology transform the world to a well-connected universe that brings people together and the world visibly becomes smaller.  If you work in a cubicle of building A and talk to someone in the building B, it makes no difference whether building B is just across the street or in Bangalore of India. In fact, even without wires can accomplish the same feat, it is radio, wireless connection.  We know in the world of electrical engineering, the lumped element model circuit theory, distributed element model transmission lines and EM wave are all related and can be deduced from the Maxwell's four equations with some assumption of the boundary conditions.  In ordinary power applications, circuit theory is good enough.  For information transfer, the concept of transmission lines applies well.  With radio and TV transmissions, EM theory rules the wave.  In fact, when we use the mobile devices outside our houses, it needs hot spot that transmits the EM wave.  In our house, we use DSL or Cable to get the necessary information via modem and then it creates a hot spot for house through wifi, a wireless EM wave.  Of course, with the understanding of the electrical engineering, the whole thing no longer a mystery, it becomes a logical consequence of the mother nature.  But think again, it is still a miracle with only two tiny wires or one coaxial cable that accomplishes such a complicate human task.

People very often say they find miracle everyday.  Some find God, some see Jesus, some see Madonna on the screen door and some see the mysterious light coming from the heaven or even in the Internet.  These miracles happen everyday and around our living space.  The only difference of these miracles from our two tiny wires is that the former seems to happen in un-opportune time and can't be predicted.  However the latter is here everyday that we all take it for granted and ceases to be a miracle by definition.

Monday, September 29, 2014

2014 06 23 台北愛樂電台《早安愛樂》節目,邢子青專訪洪敏弘博士

From Mark Lin,
The following article I post here is for the request from 洪敏弘.

2003年,由「建弘文教基金會」洪敏弘董事長與國藝會共同發起的「表演藝術追求卓越專案」,辦理至今已屆滿十年,是國藝會推動「藝企合作」以來歷史最久、補助款最高的補助計畫之一。2012年,第四屆「表演藝術追求卓越專案」除了原發起者持續贊助外,更加入「許遠東先生 暨夫人紀念基金會」以及「信源企業股份有限公司」加碼贊助,也因此,補助內容從原有的「製作發表計畫」,另擴大增加「三年計畫」項目,在二階段的審查之後,由黑眼睛跨劇團、創作社劇團、稻草人現代舞蹈團、樂興之時管絃樂團四個團隊獲頒高額補助。今年6月開始,黑眼睛跨劇團統籌的《華格納革命指環》率先發表本屆專案成果,而創作社劇團的《西夏旅館‧蝴蝶書》也將於8月底在台北藝術節演出多個場次。



Q:像您參與音樂的這塊領域,雖然不像很多人從孩提時代就開始接觸,而是到了15、16歲才開始,往後這麼多年來您抱有極大的熱誠,也許可以說是大器晚成, 甚至後來不只對音樂藝術熱愛,還更積極地投入了藝術贊助活動?
















Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Price of Progress

Since the inception of the personal computer industry, it developed some killer applications such as word processor and spreadsheet.  People bought PC to run these applications.  The main reason is to save time in writing and do what-if calculation.  They are valuable in letter writing and income tax return.  The PC streamlines the process, save time and improve our quality of life.  In the 1980's, there were many versions of word processor and spreadsheet.  It was the time of innovation and exploration. Remember the following, Word Star, Word Pro, Word Perfect, MultiPlan, BisiCalc, 123, Jazz, Word, Excel ... etc?  Eventually Microsoft's Windows 95 dominates the PC world and its Word and Excel become the standard tools most people use.  The killer programs became mature and I settled to the well-known Microsoft Office 97 that includes Word & Excel.  I was very happy and found that I could do what I need in writing and number crunching in my life.  All in all, this Office 97 is really a great tool for PC and I think I will live happily ever after.
However, something happened after this Office 97 was released.  Microsoft kept moving ahead to release Windows 98, 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.  To people who like Windows 95/Office 97, they got problem when their PC hardware got out of order and obsolete.  They can't buy PC with Windows 95 anymore and there is no easy way to install Windows 95 in the newer PC.  The question is that is there any need for people to upgrade every time when Microsoft releases some update?  If I don't reset some setting, the PC will automatically do the update without asking me first.  The worst is that it does the upgrade when you are in the middle of something.  Or when you turn off the PC and think you'd like to leave the house soon.  You then found the problem that the system is not shutting off.  Instead it is doing the update that may takes forever to do it.
To most people, the answer to the above question is no upgrade for a short term.  The problem is that after two or three years, some new hardware interface such as 1394 Firewire or USB is developed. You need software upgrade to take advantage of it.  However, users should have a choice not to upgrade. Fortunately at least they can install their good old Office 97 to the new Windows 98, 2000, XP.  However, some minor incompatibility creeps in & Microsoft no longer supports Office 97 although it tries to make it compatible to the new operating system.  The trouble is that with new Windows operating system, it includes a new Office package that is not free, users have to pay to use it.  But what about me, I already own Office 97 and want to continue to use it.  I have to use Control Panel to uninstall the new Office package in the system and then install Office 97 and I have done that in every new PC I bought.  It is a waste of time.
Here is the question, why do we have to pay something we really don't need?  Why can't they keep making the faster PC that still run the good old Windows with Office 97?  Microsoft really did a disservice to the users who just want to get things done without the new stuff they don't need.  Is this the price to pay in the name of Progress?  There are actually two issues here.  One is that is it necessary to replace the old one?  The other is that if the replacement is needed, how fast and how soon should it be?
Something similar happens in my neighborhood.  The street Arastradero connects Foothill to the Highway 101.  Thousands of cars use the street everyday.  The peculiar thing is that almost everyday some section of the street is under repair or under digging for some cables, phone lines or gas utilities.  People suffer during commuting hours and the people live nearby have to suffer all the inconvenience, noise and dirty air quality.  When there is no digging, they always find something new like repaint the lines of street or resign it to accommodate the kids, repaint 4 lanes to three lanes with turning lane, etc etc etc.  So the people keep suffering all year long and looks like a never ending process.  It is like the maintenance of the Golden Gate Bridge.  They do it year round, never ending.  Is this the price to pay in the name of progress? In the case of Golden Gate Bridge, it just tries to maintain the current status, not even makes any progress in the sense of pursuit of happiness.

Thursday, August 21, 2014


朱光潛在他的'談文學'一書中提到文學上的一些低級趣味,用在現今,猶甚適用. 以下是他認為五項不甚高明的嗜好: (1)偵探故事, (2)色情小說, (3)黑幕描寫, (4)風花雪月, (5)口號教條(包括革命文學).

這些喜好,如果適度運用並無壞處.麻煩的是看這些書或作品,好像吸煙抽大麻,很容易變成過度而俗不可耐,甚至害處連連. 情色小說對成長中的青少年的影響就是一例. 朱先生僅是提到文學上的一些趣味. 事實上在日常生活中,有很多不太高明的趣味. 有些說它'趣味'有點過分,也許'品味'這個辭比較恰當. 朱先生的話,言猶在耳,卻是七十年前的事. 時光荏苒,今已二十一世紀,不過這些現象基本不變,祗是像演化論一樣,加一些 variation 或 mutation,以另外一種形式出現. 玆舉其中幾項,營營眾生,與大家共賞.

1. 麻將 (包括賭博和 Lotto)
適度的麻將或衛生麻將並無不好,可是很多人打通宵,抱病上場,臨盆不下,國難天災,無所畏懼,已近神人共懼的程度. 這種習慣和賭博有共通之處. 有不少人傾家盪產,移盜公款,身敗名裂,不可不慎. 和此類似的有 Lotto, 樂透大家買,有買有机會,不買一定沒机會. 說來有趣,與此類似的有'宗教信仰'. 有沒有神或天堂? 很多人寧可信其有. 因為萬一有的話,信了有机會,不信則一定上不了天堂,更不用提到 virgins 來陪你. 這是賭博式的信仰. 說好聽一點是買人生保險. 說來可笑,這種賭博式的信仰是科學家Pascal 首先提出來,他的理由是基於經濟學上的報酬率, maximize the return of investment. 不過把經濟保險學搬到信仰桌子上,未免品味差了些,實在講不出口. 這不是說經濟學不好,而是說不要用在不太適當的地方.

2. 電視肥皂劇 (Soap Opera)
肥皂劇的風行往往是因為一部精彩的演出(如雍正王朝),風靡社會. 可是接下來的常是一窩風的粗製濫造,稱肥皂劇倒很恰當,滑溜溜的實在不知道劇情會如何演變,完全沒有 logic 可循. Soap Opera 源出於這類 TV series 的廣告商大都是賣肥皂的,如 Proctor and Gamble, Dial, Colgate etc. 晚近中國的肥皂劇更是氾濫成災,尤有甚者,韓流從北南下,席捲中原,令人不寒而慄. 在韓國人囊括端午節,孫中山和孔子之際,中國人居然擁抱韓劇,令人不解. 韓劇也有幾部經典之作,但大都分也是濫竽充數,魚目混珠,屬低級品味之一.

3. Read Romance Novel/Watch Porno
從1980年以後,每次造訪書店,一定有一排花花綠綠的袖珍書對著你看. 聽說女士們趨之若騖,這也使我想起瓊瑤的暢銷書,小女生揮之不去. 如果這類書也可分等級的話,則瓊瑤女士的作品要乾淨些. 那些花花綠綠的袖珍書,比起來大膽多了,可是千篇一律,俊男美女,感官很享受,但品味則不太高明. 這種書故事幾乎雷同, stereotype 一點不假,沈迷其中,則是品味低下,與時俱進. 時光隧道進入21世紀,互聯網當道,新產品應運而生,以 video multimedia 取代小書,蔚為奇觀. 這類作品統稱 pornography, 簡稱 porno. 其大膽露骨之程度遠超 romance novel,連情色小說也難望其項背. 雖說也有幾部可稱經典之作,但大部分是趣味低俗,不忍卒睹的作品. 可是芸芸眾生,好此道之人如過江之鯽. 看這些作品,適可而止. 麻煩的是它像鴉片一樣,很容易上癮,成了一種不健康的低級趣味.

4. 武俠小說/武術電影
武俠小說和偵探故事一樣,有幾部佳作,如'書劍恩仇錄'和'射雕英雄傳'. 但大体說來,濫竽充數,劣貨充斥,不堪卒讀居多. 電影亦然,像香港的打鬥片,多如牛毛,好的卻了了可數. 這些小說和電影橫行社會幾十年而不衰,養成一大群人,好此不彼,連大中學老師授課時,也'金雞獨立',武俠一番,實在俗不可耐,亦屬低級品味之一.

5.  Horoscope
不知從什麼時候開始,報章雜誌都另闢一欄,列述十二黃道星座. 實在不知道有多少人在看,但報社不是笨蛋,一定有市場. 可是有這麼多小民相信天象星座對他們日常生活有影響,倒是天方夜譚,我們的科學教育究竟走到那個死胡同? 如果人類性向祇能用十二種動物來代表,這也未免太低估上帝造人的本意. 我的 sister-in-law 常說她是數'魚'的, very clever. 不過他忘了西方的雙魚座(Pisces). 與 Horoscope 類似的是'血型性向論'. 很多人動不動就說他是O型,如是如是一番. 究竟血型和性格有什麼直接關係,沒有証明,而且根本也不可靠. 可是就有那麼多人開口閉口A型B型,振振有詞. 更妙的是晚近出版的一些書,在封底常付上一張作者照片, 列記其天蟹座及B血型,實在俗不可耐,可稱低級品味之一.

6. Greeting/God bless you
收到很多 emails, 在結尾時總是不忘耳提面命, "God bless you', '主愛世人'一番. 如果 email 是有關宗教,生老病死,嚴肅地寫下來,那是很適當而無可厚非. 奇怪的是有人不管那種場合,一律祭出這些宗教福音,讓人啼笑皆非,有時真是無法消受. 這使人想起以前中學上國文 課時,一些同學文思枯槁時,一定即興來一段反共八股的文章充數. 老師不勝其煩,抱怨連連,也不忘耳提面命: "再有下次,罰站半小時". 与此有異曲同功之效的是在與人交談中,有人總是重複' well', 'you know', '你知道嗎' ? 久而久之, 不勝其煩. 幾年前有一些年青小子,動不動就說'cool'.  酷來酷去,好像 一天到晚播放 Petula Clark 的 'Downtown' 一樣,實在不能忍受. 寫到這兒,忽憶當年在左營受訓時碰到一群從成功大學來的電机畢業生. 他們開口閉口總是'鐵的這' '鐵的那',久而久之,連蒜皮小事也要信誓旦旦, '斬釘截鐵'一番,實在俗不可耐. 而他們一直以為這種  expression 非常時髦和 trendy, 異哉! 世上很多東西,本來皆是很有意義,衹是過度濫用,失去原來的功能,很可惜.

7. 風水/生辰八字/黃道吉日
這是中國人普遍的迷信,積弊很深,已經沒法改善,除非來一次另類的文化大革命. 這些迷信是中華文化的主流,行之數千年,可是效果並不彰顯. 到現在為止,還看不出中國人的運氣和福祉,因使用這些工具而有什麼改善. 也沒看到西方人因沒用這些道具而惡夢連連. 中國人雖然迷信這麼深,是不是有很大的副作用,不太清楚. 但在生活品味上,這是很拿不出來的文化.

8. 抽煙
中國人以前抽鴉片,被西方人稱為'東亞病夫'. 現代中國人則上行下效,到處抽煙,不但污染空氣,也殘害自己健康. 還有大部分抽煙人士煙蒂隨處亂丟,不但污染環境,而且容易引起火災. 很多旅館,其桌椅或床舖,常見被香煙燒坏痕跡,更令人擔心火災的危險. 光是加州每年森林大火,有很多是香煙亂丟車外所致. 抽煙不但形像不好,品味低俗,而且有上癮的危險,與鴉片有相同功效. 戒不了煙的人給人一種形象是他不能控制自己,是一種人格上的缺陷. 更奇怪的是正當西方社會努力戒煙之時,中國人卻大買洋煙,救了 South Carolina 的煙草工業. 1840年,林則徐嚴禁鴉片, 2000千禧年,中國需要另一位林則徐.

9. 算命/預言/幻像
這三項有關心靈的活動 東西方皆有,也是迷信的變種. 相信這些活動大部分是智商較低的一群. 女人天生幻像較多,故他們也比較相信這些所謂通靈的東西. 算命和炒股票一樣,你祇聽到有人賺大錢,但很少人告訴你他丟了多少錢. 算命不準的例子太多,但在這種情形下,聰明的方士總是模稜兩可,和希臘的 oracles 一樣. 怎麼解釋都是他贏. 與此類似的是'幻象',有人看到或夢見奇怪的東西,常運用驚人的想像力,像在門窗或烤麵包上發現耶穌,聖瑪利亞等等,吸引一大批善男信女. 這種現象年年都有,和世界末日的預言一樣,永遠有廣大的市場. 說穿了,這是一種變相的 'wishful thinking'. 不過行之有年,到後來變成'狼來了',低俗不堪,亦屬低級品味.

10. 身心靈
這是晚近佛教通靈的突變種. 他們想結合醫學,科學和宗教來增加宗教的公信力. 西方也有類似的活動,祗是常常荒腔走板,謬論迭起,到後來不知所云,如'宗教是科學的基礎'云云,乃集低級品味之大成. 奇怪的是居然有醫學博士和大學校長也充斥其中,令人眼花撩亂,嘆為觀止. 信仰無可厚非,但在沒有精密思考下,貿然解釋,傳播不實信息,而且振振有詞,好此不彼,亦屬低級品味之一.

11.  語言對聯,迷信吉祥
在春節前後這種現像最為普遍,到處'福倒了','年年有魚','吃髮菜',... 這和迷信風水有異曲同工之妙,用多了,到處氾濫,庸俗不堪. 究竟有多少人相信這些,有待考查. 但整個房子,到處用這種方式避邪,實在迂腐,意境太低,亦屬低級品味之一.

12. 大中華沙文主義
三不五時,不忘耳提面命,再三叮嚀,好似不這樣,民族將毀於一旦,國亦將亡矣. 這有點像作文一樣,沒話說時就把老祖宗的舊皮箱拿出來亮相,炫耀一番. 最常見的是搬出孔子,老子,孫子或朱子,皆擲地有聲的'子'輩. 說多了,養成習慣,自己渾然不知,但聽者常不勝其煩,消受不了,到後來祇成耳邊風,來去無蹤.

信手寫來,好似青年守則,居然也有十二條. 其實還有一些,像'炒八卦新聞'就是漏網之魚,這卻是當今台灣普遍的低級品味之一.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


詩中有畫,畫中有詩,以李白和王維最為有名. 文學與藝術冶於一爐乃人類文明一大創舉. 閒來翻閱唐詩,偶而看到這首 '送友人'. 馬上一幅畫像就在眼前,鮮明活現,不禁賞心悅目,而且令人嘆為觀止.


這幅詩畫不但上下左右,而且東南西北,尚有色彩景深. 自然景觀,渾然天成. 不但如此,其用字簡潔對位,互相輝映,美感意境,油然而生. 其中以'青山横北郭,白水繞東城' 和'浮雲游子意,落日故人情' 最令人激賞.  '青山'對'白水','横'對'繞', '北郭'對'東城',實在無懈可擊. '浮雲'對'落日', '遊子'對'故人', '意'對'情',更是天衣無縫. 從畫的觀點看,'青山横北郭'是上方的遠觀,'白水繞東城'是眼前的近景. '浮雲遊子意'是浮動的上景,'落日故人情'是沈潛的下景. 不僅如此自然,連人類的情感也沉浸在內,'故人' 和'遊子'正是人生悲歡離合的情景. 而且這首詩的適應性很廣. 在我們的人生裏,誰沒有這種送友人的經驗? 當年我們在松山机場和友人揮手道別時,不正是這首詩的寫照?  青山照圓山,白水映基隆河, 孤蓬乃一行李也. 圓山士林的浮雲和新店淡水的落日,皆是我們兒時相伴的自然景觀. 祇是人文景觀不同,班馬進步到飛馬. 寫到這兒,很自然的一幅近代畫就呈現在眼前. 最後一句'蕭蕭班馬鳴',把聲音和動作帶進畫中,形成了動畫 (video). 很可惜,有聲音並不代表有音樂. 這時真希望有像修伯爾特的音樂家為李白詩譜一曲助興. 在這兒我想起莫差特的一首曲子,用在這時,雖差強人意,但尚可部分傳神. 玆介紹如下,讓大家共賞.

這是 Mozart, Marriage of Figaro 歌劇裏的一首合唱曲,簡短而動聽,誠屬佳作. If you use Microsoft's Media Player, you can follow the music with the timeline I inserted in the lyrics.  If you can't hear the music, please download the file and play it with your local media player.  The file is in MP3 format.

青山横北郭,白水繞東城。 .14 
此地一為別,孤蓬萬里征。 .21 
浮雲遊子意,落日故人情。 .29 
揮手自茲去,蕭蕭班馬鳴。 .35 
揮手自茲去,蕭蕭班馬鳴。 .43 

青山北郭..  ,白水東城..  。 .49 

浮雲遊子意,落日故人情。 .54 
揮手自茲去 ,                           1.01 
蕭蕭班馬鳴  .........             。1.05

PS: 當我們年華老去時,送孩子上大學,當起了'故人'的角色,也想起當年有一陣子當'遊子'的情景.  閒來散步,偶而一望,路標在前,赫然發現'台灣士林',小時的老家鄉. 竟然不知身在何處? 想起各在天之一涯,家,海內存知已,天涯若比鄰. 人生人生,讓人冥想,低迥不已.

Saturday, June 21, 2014


It is the summer solstice today, the longest day of the year for the northern hemisphere.  It is also the high time of the World Cup Soccer, once every four year.  People say if you are really interested or crazy about any particular event, you should go to where the action is.  In general this is true.  However, practically it is not that attractive or economical to do it.  Like travel, you like to see the place first hand with your eyes and personal presence, but you can't see all places in the world with your limited time and resources, you just have to make some trade-off.  In this age of mass media, TV, Internet and DVD are so popular and easily accessible, we can really make the most out of it and our life is never be the same.  Instead of going to Brazil, I stay at home in my family room with big TV screen.  I can watch every match and replay with all the analysis and comments on the sport.  It is really great.  As to the feeling of the on-site excitement, I did have one in 1994.  It was 20 years ago, the US hosted the World Cup Soccer.  I got two tickets of the Stanford Stadium for the match between Brazil and Russia.  I took Helen, my daughter, with me to the stadium for that particular afternoon.  We still remember the excitement and the grand feeling of the event.  Yes, there is something you can only feel it by being there.  However, with the improvement of the quality of mass media, the difference of being there and not being there diminishes rather quickly. 

The FIFA World Cup is the quadrennial soccer championship held every four years. The Cup’s final game is the single most viewed sporting event on earth.  It is like a special Olympics.  The 2010 match between Spain and The Netherlands was watched by an estimated 700 million people. Meanwhile American Football is only ranked #9 as the most watched sport in the world. 

I watched most of the World Cup matches and found them very interesting and rewarding.  It is kind of odd that soccer in the US is way off the chart regarding to the popularity.  The reason may be the following:

1. Low score of the match, 0-0 is very common.

2. Continuous play without stop makes TV commercials impractical.

The low score is due to the difficulty of kicking the ball into the goal.  The game can be exciting or boring depending on how often players attack the goal.  If both teams are good in defense, the whole 90-minute match may look very boring especially to American people who get used to the American Football.  

I found that if the total goals are divided into 8 parts, the distribution of the scoring goals is something like the following:

3: Heading

2: Quick and lightning attack
1:  Powerful long range kick
1: 12 yard penalty kick
1:  Perfect pass and penetration

It is logical to see heading is the most common goal, as it is the only way to attack from the above in soccer in front of the goal.  It is also interesting to see the methodical way to win a goal is only 1/8.  Perfect pass and coordinating attack are not that important comparing to the quick attack at the opportune time.  The reason of this is that there are just too many players running in front of the goal during slow attack.  It is usually the lightning attack that you find only 2 or 3 defenders in front of the goal.  The other reason is that you can't touch the ball with hands and also you can't go 'offside' while attacking.  The offensive player cannot wait for the ball behind the last defender (not counting the other team's goalie). If that offensive player shows just a little part of his body or more behind the imaginary line where the last defender is before the ball is kicked and sent forward, it is an offside violation.  Since the game makes the offense hard to proceed, it tends to create a score 0-0, a boring match.

One thing odd is the Fake Injury in Soccer.  It is quite common and well known.  I watched video and some replay, it seems half of the time, they are real but the other half is questionable.  Sometime you don't see the body contact, but just a free fall causes some severe pain to the player.  Is this a real injury?  For this case, it is highly possible that the player fakes his pain.  Perhaps FIFA should adopt some instant video replay or some high tech scheme to decide who should get penalty for faking.  But then the play has to be interrupted that will generate some other issues.  The soccer players only wear T-shirt without helmet and shoulder padding but with spike shoe.  This perhaps the reason the players get hurt easily.  Although the body contact is not that severe comparing to American Football, most soccer players play rough and show no hesitation tackling the other players.

Since World Cup Soccer is watched by people of almost all countries of the world, the teams qualified to play make their countries quite visible, especially if the teams get to the semi-final and final matches.  Since the inception of the World Cup Soccer, China never passes the qualified stage and so China is almost invisible on the world stage of soccer.  If a country can make so much progress in Summer Olympics, why can't it make any improvement or breakthrough to the soccer?  This is a good question and can only be resolved by Chinese people.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

On History (談歷史)

每個文明古國都有自己一套厂史,由於政治上的理由,大都美化自已的來歷與身世,都說自己是世界上最偉大的民族或國家. 信仰宗教的都說他們是上帝的選民,天經地義,不可動搖. 於是一大堆神話編造出來,以壯声勢,顯赫世人. 猶太人,印度人,中國人皆有一套開天闢地的神話. 可是到了近代,誰也不相信這些神話. 這一章,在近代世界通史中,皆以地球在宇宙中的地位取代之. 在 H.G. Wells 的'世界史綱'中,前六章,共 32 頁的篇幅,可見其端倪, 兹列舉以供參考:

第一章: 空間時間中的地球 

第二章: 巖石的記載

第三章: 天擇與種變

第四章: 生物侵佔陸地

第五章: 爬虫時代

第六章: 哺乳類時代

另外一個例子,房龍 (Van Loon) 的 '人類的故事' 中,把這六章濃縮成一章, 並冠以一個頗富哲理的'引言': 

High up in the North in the land called Svithjod, there stands a rock. It is a hundred miles high and a hundred miles wide. Once every thousand years a little bird comes to this rock to sharpen its beak. When the rock has thus been worn away, then a single day of eternity will have gone by.

要瞭解一個民族成國家,首先要詳細查看其歷史,但歷史是人寫的,未免有很多主觀成分,如果不仔細分析或運用常識,一定會得到錯誤的迅息和結論. 現以普通中國歷史教科書為例,來分析一下,那些是值得相信的. 

太古時候,萬籟俱寂,盤古揮斧,於是世界誕生. 時年278萬零480 年 BC. 從這一年到 480 BC, 分為十紀: 九龍記,五龍記,攝提紀.... 從第三紀開始,出了三皇,五氏. 三皇是天皇,地皇和人皇. 五氏是有巢氏,燧人氏,伏羲氏,女媧氏和神農氏. 

以上顯然是古老民族的神話,没有科學根据,任何有常識的人皆知道不是事實. 我們把它歸類神話時代. 

有了開天闢地以後,才開始有人上場,但這一開場白常是若有若無的傳說,可靠性很低,但好像有那麽一回事. 這是傳說時代. 傳說包含有事實成份,但可能是虛構或歪曲的故事, 黃帝王朝至姚舜(2,497 BC - 2,208 BC) 可以說是傳說. 

傳說以後,事實成份大大增加,但仍有些傳說史跡, 可是有些壁畫或甲骨可以佐証. 這是半信史. 夏商周 (2,207 BC- 842 BC) 可以歸類半信史. 

周王朝第十任國王姬胡乱搞一通,逃走了事. 朝政由召公和周公接管,史稱共和政治. 在這以前,祇有石頭和一些甲骨可供参考研究. 周公攝政,時年 841 BC, 中國歷史的文字記載,開始獲得保存. 這是中國信史的開始. 所以信史乃是有文字記載的歷史. 

信史是有文字記載的人類活動,但並不代表真確的史實. 所有歷史記載皆有部分主觀成分在內,歷史學家的職責是在這些雜酒裏,提練出純酒精以供世人及後世使用和參考. 中國最有名的歷史學家是司馬遷 (145 BC -86 BC), 他以究天人之際, 通古今之變,成一家之言,完成一部'史紀'. 西方最有名的歷史學家是 希臘的 Herodotus (484–425 BC). 他寫了一本經典之作, 'Histories', 被尊稱為 '西方史學之父'. 司馬遷在中國則被尊稱'太史公'. 

雖說是信史,但其可靠和真確度則是另一回事. 中國的史家大都是御用的政府官員,他們寫當朝的歷史未必客觀. 就像現時兩岸的教科書,南轅北轍,你要相信誰? 大抵史家寫以前的歷史,尤其是和當期沒有直接利害関係,大概會比較保持超然的態度,其可靠性會大增. 如果我們要知道文革和六四的真相,不能祗看大陸的歷史書或官方資料. 人類歷史脫離不掉 'Interest' 這天演法則. 我們要時時把握住這個原則,就比較不會被誤導而入歧途. 在一個沒有言論自由的地方,不能期望有客觀的史家存在. 在一個有禁書和燒書的社會和政權下也不可能有客觀和可信的歷史書出現. 

現在來談人類芸芸眾生,我們應該讀那些歷史書呢? 這須從那些是影響我們比較大的史事開始,然後推廣至影響人類前程比較大的那些史事. 我們一生没有多少時間,不可能花很多時間去窮究尼泊爾某些王室的來龍去脈. 做為一個華人,他至少必須有兩本歷史書随侍在側,一本是中國通史,一本是世界通史. 這兩本通史最好不是學校教科書,但好的學校教科書如果不是國家強迫被採用的則不在此限制之内. 有了這两本書放在案頭,可隨時查考,一生當可受用不盡. 隨著各人興趣,可涉獵其他著名史書. 既然每人興趣不同,喜好不一,這些書目也不會相同. 現以我的興趣和喜好, 謹列以下書目供大家参考. 

中國通史: 中國人史綱 (柏楊, 1977) 
世界通史: Outline of History (H.G. Wells, 1920)
美國通史: America, the Story of A Free People (Allan Nevins & Henry Steele Commager, 1942)

The Story of Mankind (Hendrik Van Loon, 1921)
A Study of History (Arnold Toynbee, 1961)

World History (Larry Krieger, Edward Reynolds, Kenneth Neill, 1997)

I read all the books listed above, some of them several times. The only exception is Toynbee's 'A Study of History'. This is a giant and monumental work, hard to digest but feel there is a treasure there for us to dig whenever we need it.

Monday, April 21, 2014

從 '夫' 字談起

中國雖沒有像印度的種性階級制度,但光從'夫'字說起,顯然社會上有隱形的階級和派別. '夫'一般來說是比較下層階级. '夫'以上的階級有'匠', '師', '家', '父', '王', '聖', '仙', '母', '神' 等等. 另有平行的階層 像'士', '紳', '豪', '棍', '巫', '妖', '僧', '鬼',真是琳覽滿目,美不勝收. 最新的階級則是 'C' 級人士,這是 CEO, COO, CFO, CTO 等 FORTUNE 500 的大牌人物, 'C' 乃 'Chief' 也.  兹举例子讓大家共賞.

'夫'級人士: 清道夫,船夫,煤夫,伙夫,姘夫,病夫,懦夫,屠夫
'匠'級人士: 工匠,煤氣匠,畫匠,錶匠
'士'級人士: 學士,碩士,博士
'師'級人士: 老師,律師,軍師,工程師,會計師,厨師,法師,師傅
'家'級人士: 科學家,音樂家,銀行家,畫家,專家
''級人士: 孔子,莊子,老子,墨子
'王'級人士: 煤油大王,鋼鐵大王,賭王,船王,西瓜大王,小籠包大王
'仙'級人士: 詩仙,王大仙,假仙,神仙,狐仙
'聖'級人士: 樂聖貝多芬,至聖先師,詩聖杜甫
'皇'級人士: 教皇,德皇,英皇,日皇,天皇
'父'級人士: 國父,音樂之父,交響樂之父,教父 
'母'級人士: 大地之母,成功之母,母語,航母,虎媽,母老
'神'級人士: 神父,神州,股神,神童
'佛'級人士: (法師級人物),聖嚴,証嚴,星雲,惟覺


 '夫'級人士中,有一些例外, 如'丈夫'和'士大夫'.  又'夫'字是形容詞時,大多是尊稱, 如'夫人'是对已婚女士的尊稱, 而'夫子'是婦人对丈夫的尊稱. 孔夫子則是孔子專用.

'聖'級人士大概都是 '登峯造極,祇此一家,別無分号', 有尊敬,崇拜和敬畏的含義.

'神'級人士中,有一例外是'神女', 中國人的 logic 很奇怪,'神女'变成'娼女'或'妓女',大概也有神聖不可侵犯的性工作者. 有趣的是查看 Google 的 translation, '神女'是'Goddess', 這真是不通,因為中國的'女神'絕不會說成'神女'. Google 的'中翻英'有待改進和加強. 另一例外是'神經', 又是'神'又是'經',乃上上好東西,可是連起來則是不太正經. 世上幾乎所有有関神的典都很難念,像佛經,可蘭經,拜樸經,金鋼經,鴨蛋經等等. 也因為這樣,流風所及,導至'家家有一本難念的',受苦受難,嗚呼. 另外神說的話叫'神話',乃不可輕信的東西,可見中國人不太信神. 就是信了,其'誠'度也大可質疑.

'佛'級人士: 聖嚴,証嚴,星雲,惟覺諸法師,皆有特殊 prefix or title, 比'空'級人士'更上一層樓. 那些 prefix 好像是新字,因為倉颉老先生想也想不到會有'佛'級人士'出現.


'小'級人士: 小日本,小棒子,小子,小鬼,小人

'老'級人士: 老王,胡老,老處女,老美,老日
老相好,但不是尊稱. 不過老字在後,好像高一級,

'豪'級人士: 土豪,文豪,王
這是大人物,不可等閒視之. 好壞則要看 上下文 (context) 而定.

'將'級人士: 大將,武將,將軍. '麻將'是例外, 大概這是有麻醉性的將級牌戲.

'棍'級人士: 神棍,教棍,學棍,武棍,賭棍,
這是壞蛋級人士的專用稱呼. 棍是硬東西,所以此級人士皆是 die-hard 蛋.

'鬼'級人士: 厲鬼,酒鬼,色鬼,貪吃鬼

'空'級人士:  X 總統 中正, X 是空格 (blank),這是尊敬或敬畏的稱呼,和 '佛'級人士' 有異曲同功之妙. Title 變成 '四大皆空'的'空'字, 比法師級人士修行更深,實在令人嘆為觀止.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Language & Culture

中國的同音字很多,加上四聲,尤其二和三聲有時很難辨別,更且兩個三聲字連在一起,變成二三聲發音. 語言已經夠複雜了,加上這些起伏音,中國人能互相交通,誠屬文明奇蹟之一. 試想你去參加音樂會時,有能聽清楚歌詞? 中國人跌跌撞撞幾千年居無恙,也創造文明. 外國人講中文,不管說得多好,最明顯的調就是四不準,五音不全. 到底歌唱家在人類還是少數.

同音字多,導至同音多義,才有一些習俗如'年年有魚','福倒了',新年吃'髮菜' 等等. 人生困苦,謀生不易,發財更難,在無助的情况下,多数小民要請老天爺幫忙. 有宗教信仰的人可以祁禱,拜佛,没信教的人就用同音字避邪,其相反的一面就是趋吉,於是魚和髮菜通通(統統)出籠,逢人便道恭喜發財. 由這種同音字發展到'避凶趋吉'的習慣.  大家不努力尋找正當的方法解决間題,祗想趨吉避凶, go lucky, 從而養成僥倖和賭博的性向. 君不見新年時,家家户户,男女老少,賢愚聰笨,四角方城,通宵夜戰,打麻將去. 麻將最顯著的特點,'萬'和'發',而且用鮮艶的紅色,大家一窩蜂想發財. 做生意太難,还要 team work,也不是三天五日就見成效. 麻將養成中國短路發財,單打獨鬥,殘害同胞的壞習慣. 這种同音字風俗,慢的影響人們的思考方式,演變成一種迷信. 如'四'和'死'音近,'八'和'發'音通,人們養成另一種習慣,就是避四趨八(避凶趨吉),沒有四樓,搬到八樓. 時日一久,成了迷信,這是拜語言之賜. 有一次外國同事間我,為什麼中國雇員選公司的礼物從不選 clock. 他們壓根兒也不會想到'鐘'和'終'是同音,所以'送鐘'如同'送終',沒人敢碰. 這雖是忌諱 (taboo),但時日一久,等同迷信. 像這些例子,大都和同音字有関,所以中國人之迷信可說一大部分是語言造成的. 另有一是'名不正,言不順',純是忌諱而不是迷信,像台灣沒有八路公車,因為'八路軍'讓國民黨心有餘悸這有點像'義勇軍進行曲'一樣,不是不好聽,而是先被共產党用為國歌也. '濟南'屬同類例子,'名不正,言不順',故發音 '己'而不是'男'. 忌諱和迷信有時混在一起很難辨別. 比如說你雖然不迷信,但如果你的車牌是4444号,你也許不信邪,但你的岳說不定不敢坐你的車子,所以三思而後行,你还是去申請一新号碼. Is this superstition?   No, this is unintended consequence.  But the end result seems like superstition anyway. 就是所謂'人在江湖,不由己' as you are part of the economic system. 你在有選擇的情下,會買十三号(洋人的邪)的房子不是你信邪,而是怕將來賣不出去. The Interest (or personal welfare) does matter.

另類混淆也是語言造成,如'酒'這個字,被譯成 'wine'. 但西方的可是分門別類,複雜得很,wine 祗是葡萄酒. 所以有威士忌酒,但沒有 whiskey wine 這种說法,因為 whiskey is liquor, not wine at all酒應該是 Alcoholic beverage. 另一例子也是翻譯出了岔子. Elvis Presley 乃貓王也,大名鼎鼎,可誰知道為何叫王? 幾十年前在大學裏,大家同樂,一大群外國學生一起玩 Pictionary, 這是猜字遊戲,兩人一組,一個看到答案,但不能说,祇能畫圖给另外一人看,另外一人就看圖猜字. 這個例子答案是 Elvis Presley, 精彩的是一位中國女生畫了一隻猫,頭上帶了皇冠. 麻煩出在她的玩伴 (partner) 是美國人. 這位美國女生压根兒也不會想到貓王會是 Elvis. Elvis is king but King of the Cat? No clue, definitely no clue.

類似混也出現在數字上,中國人採四進位而世界用三位,於是麻煩一大. 可是很奇怪,中國人卻堅守著這堡壘不放. 比以前中國人口四萬萬七千萬,没有幾個人能在十秒內翻成英文.很佩服那些即席翻譯員,能夠腦筋不轉三下也能報出英文數字來. 其实他們也常常有錯,我常替他們捏一把冷汗四萬萬七千萬乃 470 million. 現在 lotto 常是天文数字 如805 million, 八萬萬(億)五百萬也. 來外國久了,慢慢的你開始用英文想,於是什麼萬萬,百萬,全不管了,反正405 million 就是405 蜜(米), 713 billion 就是 713 筆(比).  久而久之, I know exactly what the amount is.  Why bother to do the translation? 你房子值 789 thousand, 就是789 千,而沒必要去說78萬九千.  所以幾年前我就 建議 創造兩個新字: #米和#比, equivalent to Million and Billion. 祇要你对這三字 '千, #米和#比' 有個数目上的概念,就會省事很多. 有時候我不太了解中國人,他們花那麽多時問和精力,去简化文字,把'後'字去掉,卻連創造兩個新字的智慧都有. 試想這兩個新字能省大家多少心力和腦力. 剩下的時間,散步,打網球去多好. 與上兩個新有関的是化學元素週期表,君不見 Titanium (鈦), Uranium (鈾), Neon (氖) etc etc etc. 創造字容易得很,如果不造這些字,化學可沒有中文版了. 它省了我們多少事呢. 需要為發明之母,化學元素乃一例子. 我不了解為什麼中國人(其是或飽學人士)在日常生活上沒有需要 #米和#比這兩個字? 

同音字不但導迷信,而且創造一些笑話,像 CC 的'蘋果和屁股',乃四州廣東笑話,雖不同音,但在某些小民嘴裏,硬是同音(close enough)也,無可奈何,笑話連連. 有蕭老師,在台灣常是被取笑的對象,因蕭乃'瘋'也 in 台語. 大陸簡化簫成'肖',於是蕭老師硬是被貶成肖小之輩,'音雖正,看不順',实在大倒姓蕭人士之味口. 上次 AJ 提到'芭樂票'也是近似同音字(佛祖票)造成的. 何辜,硬被頂'跳票'之災. 另外一個有趣例子,在 1970年代,有一家油公司叫 Enco. 在德州和很多地很風行. 後來他們發現在日本總是吃不開,百思不得其解. 找來一位日本小姐,一問才豁然開解. 原來 Enco 在日語與 'Break Down' 同音. 以前在台灣大家都知道 Enco 是'死翹翹'的意思,大概也是從日語衍變而來.

说到都市街名,也有些類似忌諱的例子,又是同音字作祟. 最常見的街名乃中正路和中山路. 君可見其街分段(断)乎? 凡是這路,絕不能分段. 罗期福路或麥克阿瑟街,皆可分段(断),中山北路也可分成三段,但中山路,中正路絕不能一刀両断(段). 這有點像清朝時,那位考官出了作文題目, '維民所止'. 這又語言惹的禍,象形文字,全憑想像,如果歪腦子一大堆,準闖出大禍來. '維民所止',明明是雍正掉了腦袋,而且掉了兩次. 雍正大怒,是可忍,孰不可忍於是清朝文字獄傾巢而出,為禍大矣,又是文字闖的禍.

另類混雖與同音無関,但與中文語言結構有関,如無標點,隨便你解釋. 下面這個子: "今年好霉氣全無財帛進門". 把它掛在門樑上,一定有些不同的反應. 正像看某一幅畫,有時看到妙龄女郎,有時看到老太婆. 中文語法,名詞動詞不分,又無 Tense,有時左右不分,清楚一個句的結尾在那兒.如無標點,那就全憑想像了.

為什麼中國人都在學英文? 有需要也,不然怎麼寫文章到电腦裏? What is pinyin input? 現在全球人就是不想學英文,至少要學英文字母 (alphabet),這是符号,和阿拉伯數字一樣重要. Why? It is used in Internet address.  Otherwise, you become homeless, 無家可歸,流浪漢也.  

"楊元慶, Lenovo's boss, hardly spoke a word of English until he was about 40.  However, lately he was in Brazil, for a board meeting and an earnings call: he conducted all his business in English except for a briefing for the Chinese press".  
In order to do the international business, you have to conduct meeting in English.  In order to do the Internet commerce across the countries, you have to do it in English.  When two companies merge (one from German, one from France), they use English in meeting.  Language is a powerful tool that changes how the world operates.  God spread people around the earth by making them speaking different languages (Tower of Babel), but Internet and commerce bring them together by speaking one language.  Is the world a village?  Is the earth a uniworld?

Monday, February 3, 2014

Li Na

Li Na (李娜) just made another history in clinching the trophy of Australian Tennis Open at Melbourne.  She did a convincing win by a strong baseline drives, both forehand & backhand.  she also hit the ball deep and near the base line with precision placement.   The opponent in the final match, Dominika Cibulkova playing like Li Na also looked impressive.  Ultimately the consistency of Li Na's baseline two-handed backhand drives determined the outcome.  The score is 7-5 and 6-0.  In the 2nd set, Cibulkova should have changed tactics or pace when she was trailing in two breaks.  Perhaps she didn't equip with second gear or ability to raise one notch higher in her play.  This is the first Chinese woman has ever achieved the feat of two grand slams since the tennis open era.  Kim Clijsters had the same playing style and dominated the tennis world in the early 2000's.  Li Na's killer weapon is this two-handed backhand.  He uses it to hit the ball in pace from high to low with wide angle that pulls the ball out of her opponent.  It is very hard if not impossible for a one-handed backhand to achieve.  The two-handed backhand can also drive the ball from low to high to clear the net easily with top spin.  Li Na very seldom uses the under spin even when she is in defensive situation.  One other thing is unique.  Li Na doesn't grunt or make any noise while she strikes the ball.  This is rare for women tennis players these days.  The notorious noise makers these days are Maria Sharapova & Victoria Azarenka.  When they play in a tennis court, you feel as if you are in a zoo watching two birds in a shouting match.  This makes Li Na the more outstanding and unique player.

As I mentioned in my last essay (June 6, 2011) of the blog, one area Li Na should improve is the serving speed. She seems making very little improvement on this.  Her first serve in has been low in percentage.  If she can serve like Serena Williams, she will be a formidable opponent to reckon with.  Since she was 29 when she made it in Roland Garros, some people kind of think she may be a one-hit wonder.  However, it only takes her two and half year to clinch another grand slam at age of 31.  This is impressive as two major trophies are generally enough for enshrinement in the International Tennis Hall of Fame. One other interesting data, the last 30-something to win the Australian Open women's title was Margaret Court in 1973.  Li Na is making some history here.  

Li Na didn't have to face a player ranked in the Top 20 en route to the final, opening with wins over the two youngest players in the tournament, then saving a match point in her third-round win over Lucie Safarova, who was a fraction away from causing a major upset.  Let's not forget the two inches by which Lucie Safarova's forehand on match point missed the line in the third round. Two inches closer, and Safarova would have knocked Li Na out of the tournament. Since that scare, Li played at a level that ranged from exceptional to passable, winning nine straight sets, and claiming her second Grand Slam.  Is it lucky for Li Na?  Yes and no depend on how you look at it.  It is lucky to avoid top ranking players in the first few rounds, but to save a match point from an opponent needs nerve and gut.  This may indicate that Li Na's has gained mental toughness in her play.

Li Na's speech is kind of interesting, funny but odd.  First she thanked her agent for making her rich, then her coach Carlos Rodriguez and then her husband, 姜山, her former coach and constant traveling companion.  "Thanks for him give up everything just traveling with me to be my hitting partner, fix the drinks, fix the racket — so thanks a lot, you are a nice guy," she told 姜山 in a rare public compliment, pausing for the laughter. "Also you are so lucky (to) find me."  Wow, she was so blunt & cocky.  When you are winning, perhaps you can say anything and get away with it. She mentioned nothing about China & her fans there although more than 10 million Chinese watched the final match on TV.  It is said Li Na returned China with low key emotion as she seemed showing little response to her fan's enthusiasm & welcome.  It is interesting to know that her name represents the first two elements in the first column of chemical periodic table, alkali metals.  They are highly reactive metals.  Li Na seems to fit in this family nicely, caustic & reactive.

Li Na's T shirt feature  '心敢比天高',  “Dare to aim higher than the sky.”  '心敢比天高' doesn't sound like a good Chinese idiom.  It will be nice to find a single Chinese character to convey the meaning.  Li Na's success in France and Australia definitely will have positive effect and influence on tennis sport in China.