Sunday, March 30, 2008

Hi, All

This blog has been very quiet. I wonder how many of our classmates really read it or even know about it. You feel as if you are doing some monologue when you write something here. Life should be a many splendored things. Don't just work all the time, enjoy life should be a higher priority.

Taiwan just finished the presidential election & all of you already know the result. One week before the election, I took a walk in a nearby park with some of my friends. It was a beautiful day, I raised my head & see some cirrus hanging in the blue sky. Cirrus is a kind of clouds formed in very high altitude, about 5,000 ft. I have seen this before in autumn of Taipei during our college days. Suddenly, I have an urge to make a poem out of it. I said "藍天馬尾雲", I asked my friends to finish the sentence .ie. 对联 or 对句. We had some interesting combinations. I invite our classmates to do the same if you are interested to supply the inputs.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Engineering Drawing

Some time ago, I hang around a local library's book sale. I encountered a book: Engineering Drawing by French (French is the author, not language), 1960. This is the text book we used in our sophmore year. I don't know how many of you still remember the class by 凌霄. My memory is fading fast, so I think it is worthwhile to write something about him & his class. 凌霄 was unique because he always complained something in the class. For instance, 你看那些窗子, 都不是垂直的. 工程館是怎広盖出耒的? 一包水泥八包沙! Apparently, he was not a happy man at that time. I heard that he was running some kind of bufferfly business in southern Taiwan. Life must be tough at that time as a professor. I just hope those poor butterflies don't get perished or extinguished. I browsed this text book, it reminds me a lot of interesting stuff. After we finished the drawing assignment, we needed to have the drawing checked by him. Nine out of ten, we got problem and had to redraw. It was very frustrating and really a pain in the neck. I am not sure this class have anything to do with my future career. Anyway, the same holds true for 投影几何, 工程材料 & 三民主義, totally a waste of time. I did remember a person who did the best in 凌霄's class, 黃中平. Since I left NTU, I have never heard of him & the classlist has no information or data of him. Anybody knows where he is?

Life can be boring sometime. We always remember something unusual & forget all the boring routine stuff. For instance, when it comes to 翁通楹, it is "Tighto Sido", 李举賢, it is "你這是 shami-isu", 白光弘, it is Reading the text book Antenna in the class. How about 楊進順, it is "楊都美". She reminds me of him instead of the other way around. I actually forgot the title of his class & I am not sure I learn anything from him. One thing I did remember what he said, "我一碰到 delta 和 epsilon 就頭痛". He probably hates calculus. Next, how about 馬雲龍? His 电机机械 is another pain in the neck, too many assignments. I remember we had to spend those precious weekend just toiling along with slide rule for his assignment. If we had electronic calculators, it might save us some time. But slide rule, it is killing. We all found out that we might as well wait a little while until Apo finished his work & shared some of his secret.

I am sure some of you have good memory & stories. Please blog & share them before we all forget those good old days.