Monday, June 6, 2011


Li Na (李娜) just made history in clinching the trophy of French Tennis Open at Roland Garros. I watched the match on Saturday. She did a convincing win by a strong baseline drives, both forehand & backhand. The key points are the depth & the placement of balls. The opponent Francesca Schiavone equipped various strokes & spins that were also very impressive. Ultimately the consistency of Li Na's baseline drives prevailed. This is the first Chinese woman has ever achieved the feat since the tennis open era. It was reported that more than 60 million people watched this match in China. So far it seems the women in China perform much better than their male counterpart in the field of sport. There is no reasonable explanation & I haven't heard anyone tries to explain it.

Li Na uses two hands in her backhand drive. She seldom uses under-spin or slices in both forehand and backhand. This creates powerful hit & deep ball placement. Of course she sometime hits the ball out of the baseline. But overall, the high percentage of the good balls (consistency) determines the outcome of the match.

One area Li Na can improve is the serving speed. Coupled with her current >75% of first-serve in, if she can serve the balls with greater than 100 mph speed, she is going to be a formidable opponent to reckon with. However, time is not on her side. She is 29 now & we don't expect her to continue this form for more than five years.

One thing is interesting. Before Bjorn Borg & Jimmy Conner showed up in the horizon in the decade of 1970, it was rare to see tennis players use two-hand backhand. Especially before 1970, Aussie dominated the tennis circuit & nobody in Australia adopted two-hand backhand. Since 1980, most women adopted two-hand backhand & they started winning. There are pros & cons of two-hand backhand. You can drive the ball harder but you limit your range of reaches. In order to compensate this, the player has to run faster. Roger Federer used to beat Raphel Nadal, but not any more since Nadal makes improvements on serve & running speed. From the view point of health, it seems using two hands must be better. After all, why let one hand idle just to hold the racket. In fact, if you hit one-hand backhand too often, you risk to have tennis arm. Lately Justine Henen announced her retirement due to her right arm problem. Her one-hand backhand is impressive with style & power. But it will not be useful when it gets injured. I played tennis since I came to the US. I played with one-hand backhand for many years. However, I played more often after my retirement, I found that I got tennis elbow. Since last year, I started to adopt two-hand backhand. Now I am able to keep & enjoy the tennis play. I feel better especially that I utilize my left hand more. It is like a balancing diet to make my body more fit. Surprisingly, I found the another Chinese woman, Peng Shuai (彭帥), whose ranking is about 29 in WTA. She adopts two-hand forehand. She is not that strong in body built comparing to Li Na. This makes sense for her to hit the ball with more pace. However, my experience is that it is easier to control the direction & placement with one-hand forehand. So far Peng Shuai may be the one & only one two-hand forehand player in the world.

If you think it is not that hard to get a grand slam of tennis, it is. This reminds me of the Tiger Mom's book "The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother". Amy Chua learned that her younger daughter wanted to pursue tennis instead of violin. Her first thought was that she is not going to get any prize out of tennis. I think she is right on this. Chinese already have 林昭亮,Yo Yo Ma, Lang Lang, Li Yun-Di in the music world. But there is only one Li Na, one & only one Chinese get a Grand Slam in the tennis world. After saying all the above, I have to mention that some wise man used to say: "Life is not that simple. Sometimes, it is the pursuit of something that counts, not necessary what prize it gets ultimately." I hope Amy Chua realizes this & not blindly pursues her prize instead of her kid's endeavor.

PS: In the decade of 1980, there was a Chinese female tennis player, 胡娜 (Hu Na). She defected from China, played in WTA (Women Tennis Association) circuit. She didn't go very far, but did play in the center court of Wimbledon once. She got injured at age 29 & retired. She teaches tennis in Taiwan for several years. I remember some TV commentators in 1980's used to ask Who? when they saw this Chinese girl. The answer was unanimous Na!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


大學四年,最不尋常的是大三時暑期上成功嶺集訓. 对我們的一生,這三個月可是驚天動地,非同凡响. 成功嶺的大專学生集訓有多方面的時代意義和政治目的,但對我們正滿二十歲的年青学生,提供一個人生很難得的经驗. 這种經驗非身歷其境很難了解. 我想大部分同学會同意我的看法,也許感受比我更深.

從第一天入營後,發現時間不是你的,而是被別人控制的. 一下子失去了自由才了解自由的可貴. 最痛苦無奈的是開訓的前三個星期. 原本在大学自由自在地生活,又可家教赚外快. 現在一下子碰到一些以整人為快樂之本的士官和剛畢業的陸軍軍官. 他們騎在你頭上,發号施威,全不把我們當人看. 那頭三個星期可說是在考驗我們的忍耐力. 过了這三個星期而不神經崩潰的,大概都可以順利結訓. 這种集訓就是 boot camp 的一种,是一种初級軍官的 orientation training. 編制是十人一班,四班一排,四排成一連. 連上面是營,团,師. 算算一師總共一萬人左右. 每年有這麼多大專学生上成功嶺,可謂盛况空前. 短短三個月經歷不少,以下是我的一些感想.

軍人絕对服從. 小地方可以施展才智,但 the goal of the task is not negotiable.
獅子樣的体力. 天天操練,善用工具和武器.
猴子樣的敏捷. 迅速行動, 神出鬼沒, two-minute shower etc.
駱駝樣的精神. 長途行軍,跋踄千里
研究兵法. Strategy & Tactics (effectiveness & efficiency)
統御訓練. Leadership training
思想灌輸. 忠貞愛民,為國而戰.

這些訓練和操演和一些美國軍校的 boot camp 有雷同之處. 在以後的日子裏,多多少少發揮了不少效用. 來美國以後,發覺很多商業学院皆提到両本書,'王子論(The Prince)' 和 '孫子兵法'. 這是商場如战場的寫照,軍事乃政治之延伸 & vice versa. 將近結訓時,有一实際統御操演. 就像 business school 的 case study 一樣. 那時我深深体會到 leadership 有一大部分是天賦,衹有小部分是可以学來的. 我們那一年的成功嶺總指揮是王潔中將. 他在一次夜間演習集會時向我們訓話一個多小時. 講詞風趣,不落俗套. 他居然提到人生四大樂事: "久旱逢甘霖,他鄉遇故知,洞房花燭夜,金榜提名時". 時隔將近半個世記,現在思之,有不虛此生之感,幸甚.

在這三個月,天天与我們不離身的是 M1 半自動步槍,裝一個 clip 可射八發子彈 (.30-06). 天天学習大部分解,到後來閉著眼睛也可勝任. 麻煩的是要常常擦槍. 第一天拿槍覺得好重,以後天天操練,駕輊就熟,訓練有素,打起槍來,三百碼没問題,倒是眼力跟不上. 三個月下來,居然和這步槍有了感情. 最後一天才依依不捨地還給成功嶺. 正像計算尺一樣,它們現在都進了博物館,然而我永遠忘不了它們曾在我生命史上寫下很有意義的一頁.

在艱苦的訓練中,時而穿插一些康樂活動,彌足珍貴. 有一次,建國中学音樂教師張世傑率領國防部軍樂隊到嶺上勞軍. 那天他慷慨激昂,最後軍樂隊奏了一首名曲,印象深刻,那是 Dvorak 的新世界交响曲第四樂章. 讓我驚訝的是這個曲子祇用銅管樂器 (沒有弦樂器 )也可以達到令人動容的程度和效果. 從此以後我对國防部軍樂隊敬佩萬分.

最後一個月過得特別快,我們在算饅頭就像 new year count down 一樣. 發覺訓練變得輕鬆起來,那幾個排長 (陸軍軍官) 也開始和善起來. 最後幾天居然讓人有依依不捨之感. 最後一天,我們脫了軍裝,換上自己帶來的衣服,坐火車專車回台北. 王潔居然坐快車來送行. 當我們大夥兒在離開車站前,大家唱了那首我們熟悉而常唱的出征歌:


當走出車站的那一剎那,隱約覺得我好像由 Boy 變成了 Man. 大学四年,routine 的事都如過往煙雲. 唯獨成功嶺三月集訓,深深地刻在我的心版上.

PS: 在成功嶺幾乎天天唱的歌是 "陸軍軍歌", 乃"黃埔軍校校歌". 有正版和野版,兹抄錄如下:


早晨起床, 迷迷糊糊, 這是睡覺的床鋪,
不怕饅頭小, 不怕豆漿稀, 只怕中午出特別操,
打通関節, 賄赂班長開小差, 看電影 (my version, lose the original line)
抽根煙, 喝杯茶, 聊聊天,
大家一起, 混水摸魚,
擦槍我没精神, 發餉我有精神!