Thursday, March 21, 2013


當地球23.5 度頃斜角從南回歸線慢慢歸零的時候,春天之神也靜悄悄的來臨. 記起兒時的歌: 

春神來了怎知道? 梅花黃鶯報告! ....

這裡的初春,可是櫻花藍雀報信. 再加莫更鳥反覆回唱,織成一副協奏交響,錦繡大地. 這是大地自然之美. 人類幾千年來,面對這可愛的春天,能不動情? 於是詩歌,文學,繪畫,音樂,舞蹈,一一湧現,嘔歌春神之來臨. 再再顯示,讚嘆春神之秀麗. 在這些文化遺產中,翡翠鑽石,俯拾皆是. 現在略取其中之一,與大家共賞這春之來臨:春之聲, Voices of Spring!  這裡我們可以看到春神來臨的雀躍,她曼妙的舞姿也讓我們感染了春之喜悅和歡欣.

春神在空中的凌波曼步,优雅而輕盈,堪稱一絕. 當她妙手空灑花櫻,凌空而去時,花落人家,讓人間充滿了新希望.

Friday, March 15, 2013


The power point presentation at EE Department of National Taiwan University March 13, 2013, by 洪敏弘.  (Posted per request from 洪敏弘)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Sometime ago, AhMo bought some 大崗山 蜂蜜 in LA and claimed it the Absolutely Best Honey in the world. After some exchanges of argument, he decided to give anyone interested in the honey a free bottle. It just happened that he got a new born granddaughter in Northern California. So everyone of us here in the Bay Area gets a free bottle of 大崗山蜂蜜. Under this circumstance, we should of course get together to hash our good old days. I came up with an idea of Honey Contest to settle whether this 大崗山 蜂蜜 is absolutely the best honey. This is really for fun, not a serious event. The real test is which honey is our favorite, no more, no less. Strictly speaking, the Absolutely Best Honey in the world is undefined or not very meaningful.

We held a honey tasting contest in Los Altos Hills on 3/10/2013 at the residence of Charles Hung. It was a '別開生面' 的 party. Here is our setup and rule of the contest: 

1. Get 5 bowls (normal dinner size) label with 1,2,3,4,5. 

2. Peggy (Charles Hung's wife) is assigned as the referee who randomly assign 1,2,3,4,5 to each bottle of honey and put label at the bottom the bottle.

3. Peggy then pours some amount of the honey to the bowls with number one-to-one correspondence, ie #1 bottle to #1 bowl.

The steps 1,2,3 are performed in the kitchen not seen by any participants.

4. Put the bowls outside (dining room) for everyone to try and taste, with cracker, tea or coffee or just hot water. 

5. I prepare a sheet listed with names (vertical) & ranking (horizontal).

6. Everyone put down his tasting result in his boxes with ranking A,B,C,D,E (A is the best)

7. After we finish the test, we then sum up the score (with A=5, B=4... E=1).

8. The highest score is the one that is our favorite. 

9. Check the number with the label of bottle, then we get the winner.

Peggy was in charge. She prepared all the sampled bread, tea, coffee, crackers and hot water etc. The following bottles of honey are selected for sampling: 

大崗山龍眼 蜂蜜, 崗山, Taiwan
Breitsamer Honig, Acacia ( 洋槐) Blossom Honey, 100% Natural, Munich, Germany
Hungary Bees, Wild Acacia Honey, Raw Honey, Hungary
Pacific Northwest, Clover (苜蓿) Glory Bee, Organic, 100% Pure Honey, Eugene, Oregon, US
White Gold Honey, Red Clover, Canada:

The honey selected gives us some international flavor that covers three continents. When everything was ready, Ahmo was nervous, anxious & agitated as he had no idea which bowl contains his Absolutely Best Honey. Instead of trusting his taste, he entered the kitchen and poured some of 大崗山蜂蜜 in his plate and tried to match the color of the honey in the bowls. This is the violation of the contest rule and only AhMo dared to do this. He somehow zeroed in to #3 as his honey by examining the color before tasting. We sure had good time, everyone sampled the honey, smell the aroma and tasted the quality of the sweetness of the honey. Then one by one, we filled in our ranking on the score sheet. Just before the final tally for score, I found that two rows of data were changed, one is mine, the other is Ben Hu. I found that it was AhMo trying to doctor the data and changed the ranking of #3 to 'A' for me and Ben Hu. Of course, this is an outright violation of the contest rule. He also put Z to all numbers except #3 with 'A'. So the contest is really invalid at this point. However, nothing is perfect in our life anyway, I decided to disqualify AhMo's data and correct the doctored data. After all the confusion, we got the final results: #1:19; #2:17; #3:27; #4:25, #5:22. As to which honey corresponding to what #, here is the finding from the kitchen (randomly assigned by Peggy): #1: Hungary, #2: Canada, #3: Taiwan; #4: Germany, #5: United States. Indeed our favorite is 大崗山龍眼 蜂蜜 from Taiwan. So all the worry and nervousness of AhMo actually were unnecessary. He should have just followed the rule and let the real data speak for itself. Here we try to decide which honey is the best. But somehow we forget the best policy to lead our life is honesty. Perhaps AhMo considered the whole thing was a joke and treated as such. 

Honey is like wine in a smaller sense as there are many species of bees and flowers. The combination is limitless. To compare 龍眼 蜂蜜 to 洋槐 (Acacia) honey is like Cabernet Sauvignon to Chardonnay. It is not very meaningful to say Which one is better. It is proper to say I like Chardonnay with fillet of sole and Cabernet Sauvignon with steak. It is more meaningful to compare same kind of honey such as acacia, clover etc. In our test, the honey White Gold from Canada has the lowest score. This is perhaps due to its highly concentrated creamy form. It is actually best for bread as it is like butter, spread and melt immediately. We are just not accustomed to this way of eating honey. 龍眼 蜂蜜 has plenty of sweet aroma that might tip our decision toward it. I actually found that Acacia honey has a very light and pleasant aroma (一股淡淡的清香). It enhances but not overwhelms the taste of the food or drink it applies. Life is a many-splendored thing. If we just focus on the best one and ignore all the rest, we will miss a lot in the pursuit of happiness.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Per 洪敏弘's request, I post his essay in our blog.
 2013-02-26 01:44 
工商時報 政經八百 A7 觀念平台 

 一次金改後,雖然呆帳已有改善,但利差萎縮的狀況卻不見好轉。同期間,國際間因Glass-Steagall Act法案的修正,吹起金融大型化的整併風潮,讓國內原本不大的金融機構國際能見度更形渺小,於是為解決金融業過度競爭(Over-Banking)的問題,財政部遂開始為國內金融同業整併營造客觀條件,包括制定「金融控股公司法」等,都是符合當時國內金融產業發展的需要,以及迎向國際金融環境變遷的必要作為。 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Valentine and Poem

I was looking for something related to Valentine's Day two weeks ago & encountered something interesting that I'd like to share with you. However, before doing this, I'd like to talk about Valentine's Day. When we were young, we used to buy flowers, chocolates or fancy cards with many hearts to our love one. When time goes by, we may gradually lose the enthusiasm or passion. Now we are all hovering around 70's. If "人生七十才開始" is true, we must revisit & find a new meaning of the Valentine's Day. Most people agree that we must at least try something new in every decade of our life. I am sure most of you have some idea about the new meaning of Valentine's Day & I encourage you to write it & share with our classmates. I remember one event during our last reunion. After everyone got a five-minute time slot on the bus to talk about his achievements or anything worth mentioning, 陳正一夫人,吳紀珠很感性的說了一句話,'你們說了這麼多成就,可是你們都沒有提到你們的另外一半'. It is well said. We all take this as granted after so many years of marriage. It is time for us to invigorate, strengthen and enhance our wedding vow. 

Now here is the thing I'd like to share with you. It is a poem, well written and unique with its technical jargon. I read a few times and found it hard to translate into Mandarin. I know some of our classmates have talents in literature. They are welcome to give it a try. Before I tell you who was the author of the poem, I copy the whole text here for you to appreciate. 

Valentine by a Telegraph Clerk 

The tendrils of my soul are twined 
With thine, though many a mile apart.
And thine in close coiled circuits wind
Around the needle of my heart.

Constant as Daniel, strong as Grove. 
Ebullient throughout its depths like Smee,
My heart puts forth its tide of love,
And all its circuits close in thee.

O tell me, when along the line 
From my full heart the message flows,
What currents are induced in thine?
One click from thee will end my woes.

Through many a volt the weber flew, 
And clicked this answer back to me;
I am thy farad staunch and true, 
Charged to a volt with love for thee. 

In this poem, the author uses several terms we are all familiar with. They are circuit, coil, current, induced, weber (magnetic flux), volt, farad etc. Please use your imagination to understand the true meaning of this poem and try to translate it into Mandarin. Also spend at least a few minutes to figure out who wrote this poem. If you can't figure it out within 5 minutes, you may read my comment in the 'Comments' section.