Sunday, December 7, 2008



昨天佛羅里達大學橄欖球隊用以31比 20戰勝阿拉巴馬大學 。 成為「東南聯盟」的冠軍 。 再加一場比賽,它可能成為全國冠軍。 全校一片沸騰。 近年來,佛大橄欖球打得非常好 。 每個週末,整個大學校園像是開嘉華年會 。有人聲稱這是各州立大學的一個「陰謀」 。州立大學依法必須招收許多不太合格的學生。他們對讀書不感興趣,特別在週末。「小人不可久處約」。閒著可能引起麻煩。有了球賽,從星期五的晚會,到星期六的比賽,到星期日的狂歡或沮喪,週末就過去了,而且學校也趁機賺了大錢。想想, 足球教練的薪水是校長的10倍。 我的汽車也幾次因此被拖。因為很多停車場為了校友看球過夜停放旅行車, 在星期五6點半之後,教授就不能停車了。 有時忘記時間,我的汽車被拖,還得付罰款。又被學校賺了。

我剛到美國的時候,總覺得橄欖球是以蠻力取勝。在我看來,不論是帶球短衝還是投球長跑,帶球者老是會被對方絆倒在地,混打成一團。而且,那誇張的護肩和頭盔,試把一個人退化成猩猩。學校的高年學長告訴我這是典型的美國文化,重力不重智。特別那時越戰打的美國人灰頭灰臉。一味以火力蠻幹。正是橄欖球文化的投影。 後來,我漸漸發現橄欖球並不只是以蠻力取勝。需要智勇雙全。並且智慧比體力更為重要。在所有集體運動中,我覺得橄欖球用的智力最多。


我們從童年起就知道中國人像一盤散沙。最近我多次看見,「台灣人沒路用」這句話。說這話的人不意味著台灣個人沒用。他感嘆的是台灣人不能合作。柏楊曾經說中國人不合作不是我們不知道合作的好處。 中國人能寫一本甚至一火車有關合作好處的書,但是就是不能合作。柏老這次看走了眼。怎麼可能聰明的中國人知道合作的好處而不合作?其實合作有一個壞處,它可以遮蓋所有的好處。合作也意味著犧牲,搞不好會吃虧上當。聰明的中國人當然知道,只是不說出來而已。

合作之難,可以從生物的演化史上看到。從化石的見證,單細胞生物大約在30億年前開始出現。猜猜看,從單細胞演化到第一個多細胞生物化了多少年?化了大約30億中三分之二的時間(注1)。多細胞生物在十億多年前才出現的。為什麼?合作真難。細胞我為什麼為了細胞你就犧牲復製?人體裡有兆個以上的細胞。他們都為卵或精細胞犧牲他們自己分裂權力 (除癌細胞之外,他們拒絕再犧牲)。他們也都是歷經了至少35億年的艱苦歲月,不曾停止過奮鬥的。但是今天,他們決定為那些卵或精細胞犧牲了。多麼大的犧牲﹗「為有犧牲多壯志,敢教日月換新天」。 如果沒有這麼多細胞的犧牲,我們仍會停留在單細胞生物的過程。由此觀之,人類社會再往前進,就要看那一個制度最能推動社會成員的合作。美國之所以為美國,有她的道理。


注1︰ 可在 google上查到。地球約在46億年前形成。單細胞生物約在38億到20億年前已經存在,多細胞生物在8億年前開始出現。魚類在5億年前開始大量出現,恐龍在2億到7千萬年前統治地球。開始慢,後來快。不久的將來,新的物種几天就可以用生物工程製造出來。

注2︰要瞭解建中請看幸峰兄寫的 All Kinds of Everything Remind me of ...
幸峰談到當年在建中班上來了一個漂亮年輕的英文女老師,〞Everybody treated her like a sister”可見建中是比我們南部文明多了。如果我們有這種好運,心裡想的就像街上唱的一樣,「給我一個吻,可以不可以」(見維龍兄的 comment)。那裡會去煩惱 Seven Lonely Days 是什麼意思。


Mark Lin said...

Florida football team did well in 2006 & it tries to do the same this year. It is a tradition for most American colleges to hold something similar to carnival when their football teams are doing well. The college runs football like business in helping school visibility, alumni donation & TV commercial income etc. To most kids, four-year college life is short but influential to their future & sense of belonging & identity. Mark Yang now is a professor, otherwise he will do the same in joining the carnival. I watched some big games last month. The game of CAL & Stanford was an exciting one. When you see a "hook & lateral" executed perfectly that leads to a touch down, you feel good the whole day. The offensive explosion of CAL is astounding. After this, I watched the game of OU(#5) & TT(#2). This was another bomber. OU's offensive team was so strong & dominating that TT looked like a bunch of lambs. Now BCS is rating OU #1 & Florida #2. If I were Mark Yang, I pray God that Florida must smother OU's offense on January 8, 2009. Meanwhile, Mark Yang might as well join in the carnival before the final result plays out.

American football is very physical, demands muscle, speed, passing & receiving skills. It is also a very tactic/strategic oriented sport. The play is interrupted with 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th downs. Each play starts with a new tactics, new formation or running pattern. So I agree with Mark Yang's assessment:後來,我漸漸發現橄欖球並不只是以蠻力取勝。需要智勇雙全。並且智慧比體力更為重要。在所有集體運動中,我覺得橄欖球用的智力最多。

China got 100 medals in Olympics vs 110 of the US. It is true that most medals China got carry less weight. However, China should be proud of their achievement comparing to India's 3 medals total. Actually China kept a low profile to its 100 medals. Somehow they aware that though the quantity is good, but the quality should be more important. I think China will never overcome the feeling of inferiority in sport until they conquer the World Cup Soccer. For so many years, Chinese soccer team (men) is a joke even in Asia. Most countries in the world are crazy about this game & they all (except some country like US) put the effort on it. If Chinese want to prove their sport quality, they should compete on the heavyweight like soccer, not ping pong. Mark Yang is probably right that Chinese need to learn team work & make an earnest effort before they can have any hope of achieving it.

As to Rugby team & 建中, that is a subject worth a separate comment.

Wei Chen said...

A plate of loose sand. I don't know how we got to deserve such description. We have so many out of the context sayings flosting around for so long that were considered wisedom, such as "Just sweep the snow in front of your own door, don't bother with the frost on others' roof." And "Honorable man seeks to protect himself." Plus a ton of derivatives from Tao for self serving purposes. No wonder in Chinese society nobody really cares much to lend a helping hand to stanger, or even just to say hello. When we approach people we don't know with a friendly smile, they immediately become suspicious as if we are conspiring to do them harm. It happened to me so many times in my recent visits to Taiwan, when I said Hi to strangers, I was looked at as someone with mental problem. Once though, in Taipei, I took an early morning walk on Cheng-Guo south road, and ran into an old man (not that I was younger) sweeping his outside floor. I said "good morning" to him. At first, he was a little startled, but quickly he said in a clear and cheerful voice "good morning" back to me. I then gave him a little wave of hand, and he waved back to me several time with a big smile on his face. At that moment, I was sure we had made that day for each other. Just getting one of those happy returns once in a while will keep you going a long way. In my short stay in Silicon Valley, I have observed that in Japanese or Korean stores, they seemed to always exchange greetings with their countrymen, but not so in Chinese stores.

Remember "Be determined to do great things, and don't aim to become a big (high ranking) officer"? I think Sun Yat-sen said this to encourage young people. Well, Dr. Sun could say that without losing sincerity, because he practiced it truthfully. But for those who kept repeating it to us, I think what's in their minds was actually, "go do your great things and leave the high ranking offices to me or us." How disgusting.

markyang said...

I have been in Taiwan very often. Compared to China, Taiwan is a very friendly place. If you have been in China, you can really use Wei's "disgusting" to describe their attitude toward strangers. If someone is your friend or associate, he/she will treat you well, otherwise, no help.

I am always wondering whether people's attitude can be changed more quickly than infrastructures. In 30 years, Chinese landscape has greatly modernized. Can they change the people's attitude in less than 30 years? It takes a long time to build roads. There is no shortcut. But people's attitude can change in minutes. Look at all my Chinese colleagues and students recently from China. They are as friendly as Americans. If the government gives some order or penalty on people's attitude, can the society become civilized very quickly?

Wei Chen said...

If the authority can impose some measures on its citizen's behavior, it may help turn around people's attitude quickly. An example is Singapore. But Singapore is a small place whereas China is huge. As for Taiwan, there is no authority; nobody gives a damn to anybody in that democracy. Bottom line, it could be tough to do. I just hope a leadership that recognizes the importance of changing those attitudes emerges soon.

Though we have all become Americans, we have left our hearts back in where we came from.

Mark Lin said...

十年樹木, 百年樹人. It is not easy to change characters of people in a peaceful way. Only a drastic way like Cultural Revolution can do it in a short period of time. Unfortunately, CR did it in a wrong direction that corrupts most Chinese morality. Whether it is possible to move it in the right direction within a short period of time remains to be seen. Nowadays, people in China don’t trust each other & don’t respect each other. There is an invisible film or barrier among people. This is reflected in a chaotic market that people have to hack the price. The sellers want to gauge you, ie they don’t respect you. You have to negotiate the price, ie you don’t trust them. Minor negotiating price may not be that harmful. But judging from what is going on in China, it is way out of line. Unfortunately, this occurs most often against the tourist, especially from the foreign countries. We often hear stories about a taxi driver driving someone around town with twice distance to make quick money. People don’t respect each other, so they don’t form a line to get on bus. People don’t trust each other, so they don’t greet each other. The character of trust & respect between people is a prerequisite to “team work”.

Mark Lin said...

American football is a sport originated from Rugby Football. Rugby has two organizations: Rugby Union & Rugby League. Japan used to play in Rugby League. 建中 used to be 台北一中 & there was a rugby team in school by the end of WWII. After the war, everything was reset. In 1946, there were rugby teams: 建中, 工專, 淡江中学, 大同中學, 新竹商專, 罗東中学 etc. Most of them were very close in playing skill. But since 1947, 建中 had completed the sweep of 19 consecutive champions. This accomplishment is astonishing. The main reason of the success is the Spirit, Morale & Team Work. I personally didn’t participate this sport. However, I had some classmates who did and told me a lot of history of the team & I had some knowledge about the rugby team while spending six years in the school. While I was in junior high, I used to go to 新公園 to watch the matches between those teams I mentioned above. Rugby match lasts 80 minutes & it is very physical. The players run forward & pass the ball backward. So you always saw a line formation with about 15 degree to the lines in the field. The players pass the ball to right or left & slow down to be able to receive the ball again. When you pass the goal line, you have to touch the ball on ground. It is call a TRY, worth 5 points. After that you can kick the goal to get 3 extra points. The game is very physical, you have to tackle the attacker down to the ground & you have no helmet on head or pad on your shoulder. Very often the players get hurt or injure & have to be carried outside the field. I have seen several times that 建中 was almost beaten, but it miraculously recovered & won. The reason 建中 was so successful in winning rugby are the following:

1. Though there was no formal coach for the team, there existed a leader system (学長制). The leader established the authority & instill a spirit called 建中橄欖球精神---絕对服從, 信任隊友, 堅忍不拔, 沈着應战, 承先啓後, 繼往開來.. When this spirit is so focused & enhanced, it becomes 魂.
2. The president 賀翊新 respected the team member, treated them like family members. He allocated reasonable amount of financial support to carry out the sport activities.
3. The team recruited new member starting from 7th grade. The pipeline was always filled & there was enough time to train the new recruit & instill 建中spirit. Usually more than half of them enter the senior high & continue playing without interruption.
4. The rugby alumni traditionally came back to school to train their younger counterpart, hone their playing skill & remind them 建中橄欖球精神.

PS: Since 1966, the policy of 省辦高中, 市辦初中 has been established. Suddenly, the pipeline of recruiting new players was interrupted. Three years is just not enough to cultivate a good player they used to expect. Also the load of joint entrance exam was getting heavier to most students (especially senior high) & they no longer put the priority on the rugby. Since then, 建中 gradually lost the luster of rugby. Things change when time goes by. However, pass history gives us some lessons. The success of Rugby in 建中is largely due to: 建中橄欖球精神---絕对服從, 信任隊友, 堅忍不拔, 沈着應战, 承先啓後, 繼往開來..

markyang said...

Mark Lin: Your Rugby story is really imressive. I did not realize that there were more than one Rugby team in Taiwan. There is little wonder that 建中 was always the winner. Discipline, body, and intelligence usually go together.

As to the changing the attitude of a society. If Singapore can do it in a short time, any country can. The first thing of course is that there is enoght food for most people. 衣食足而知榮辱. Since there is enough food in most places of China, I still think, by strict law, the whole society can change to the right direction in a short time. 法之不行自上犯之, It seems those people on the top do not have the guts to set examples.