Monday, January 9, 2017

A Bit of Wisdom

Since the first year I attended the Junior High school, I found that if I maintained a slightly ahead the schedule, I tended to know more about the lessons and knew what questions to ask in the classroom.  Just one session ahead of the class makes a lot of difference in the result. If for some reason I lagged behind one session, I had to make it up later with more time spent.  Not only I lost some confidence as I didn't know what question to ask but also had to study the covered material one more time.  In summary, I ended up spending more time in doing the catch up work.  In the course of my student life, I tried to hold this as the habit in learning.  It also applies to any meeting outside the classroom.  No matter whether it is an information gathering or issue debating, it always pays to well prepare before hand and get the time spent more efficiently and worthwhile.

Optimistic and Pessimistic
If we prepare before the event and expect what will happen, we usually are able to control the situation that makes us more confident and tend to hold a positive attitude.  This leads to a person with optimistic character or personality.

Efficiency and Time management
If we know the lesson ahead of time, we tend to know what question to ask and focus on the points we may have problem.  This will get the question answered more quickly and move on to next subject more smoothly.

Half-Full Syndrome and Half-Empty Syndrome
The shift of the time is very slight but the end result does make a lot of difference.  In other words, a good preparation and taking advantage of it are really critical in the end result.  The accumulation of the little event to a major and important event does make a difference in our life.  The slightly ahead version of the learning is like Half-Full Syndrome.  On the other hand, the slightly behind version of the learning is like Half-Empty Syndrome.  You always feel that you have enough with extra in your life and feel much better and so in good health while you are in Half-Full mindset.  These two syndromes differ only in the time scale, one shifts left a little and one shifts right a little.

Character of Leader and Follower
A leader anticipates the event, the problem or the trouble and he concentrates his energy and effort to solve and take care of the problem.  This is a pattern of attack and a character of a leader.  The follower is just the opposite that he saves the time and effort in lead.  Instead he just follows the leader.  The follower is not necessary bad as the leader also needs the follower to accomplish the task.  In the real world, it takes leaders and followers to forge the future and build the civilization.

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